



  1. Diana submitted a 6-page document. 戴安娜提交了一份 6 页的文件。
  2. She adopted a two-year-old cat. 她收养了一只二岁的猫。


  1. It was a terribly hot day. 天气十分炎热。
  2. It is an amazingly good idea. 这真是一个好主意。


  1. This is a four-foot table. 这是一个四英尺的桌子。
  2. Daniella is a part-time worker. Daniella 是一位兼职工作者。
  3. This is an all-too-common error. 这是一个非常常见的错误。
  4. Beware of the green-eyed monster. 小心绿眼睛的怪物。
  5. He is a cold-blooded man. 他是一个冷血的男人。
  6. I love this brightly-lit room! 我喜欢这个光线明亮的房间!
  7. Danny’s dog is well-behaved. 丹尼的狗很乖。
  8. You have to be open-minded about things. 你必须对事物保持开放的思想。

1. 从每个组中选择包含复合形容词的句子:

  1. Sheila was horribly moody. 希拉非常喜怒无常。
  2. We’d like you to be part of the decision-making process. 我们希望您成为决策过程的一部分。
  3. The company showed steady improvement in their stock trades. 该公司股票交易稳步改善。
  4. This is a widely used procedure for finishing wood floors. 这是一种用于整理木地板的广泛使用的程序。
  5. Moths ate his woolen socks. 飞蛾吃了他的羊毛袜子。
  6. That was really generous of you. 那真的很慷慨。
  7. Sharon’s adopted son is five years old today. 沙龙的养子今天已经五岁了。
  8. My new car has leather upholstery. 我的新车有真皮内饰。
  9. She was a well-known actress by the time she reached age five. 到她五岁时,她是一位着名的女演员。

2. 在复合形容词中使用连字符:哪些句子是正确的?

The group was full of rowdy 10 year old schoolboys. 该小组充满了吵闹的 10 岁男生。

The group was full of rowdy 10-year-old schoolboys. 这群人充满了吵闹的 10 岁男生。

The actress is well known. 这位女演员众所周知。

The actress is well-known. 这位女演员很有名。

They enjoyed a three-year profit streak. 他们享受了三年的连续利润。

They enjoyed a three-year-profit streak. 他们享受了三年的连续利润。