

"These words rhyme with each other" can be expressed in English as:

1)Let's first read some English sentences:

1. A fishman makes him sell fish.

2.A mouse is running in our house.

3. New leaves sprout

Children shout

Beautiful trees and flowers

No more winter showers

4. seasonal budding, green leaves

cause a viewer to believe

Spring has arrived

life again will thrive

2)Words that rhyme

1. A fishman makes him sell fish.

The literal meaning is "He is a fisherman so he sells fish", but because sell fish sounds like rhyme," we say:

Sell fish rhymes with selfish.

2.A mouse is running in our house.

Mouse and house sound "rhyme", so we say:

Mouse rhymes with house

3. New leaves sprout (sprouts)

Children shout

Well,you see,the two words sprout and shout with each other,or sprout rhyme with shout.

Beautiful trees and flowers

No more winter showers

Flowers rhyme with showers.

4. seasonal budding, green leaves

cause a viewer to believe

Leaves rhyme with believe.

Spring has arrived

life again will thrive

Arrive rhymes with thrive.

3)However, I am 100% sure that for people who are used to only "moving their eyes" and not "moving their hands" to learn English, if you ask them to use their eyes to recognize the word rhyme, they may be able to read its meaning after a few more readings, but I am 100% sure that you ask him to spell it without missing a letter, rh-yme, many people will definitely get it wrong or not!

This is the phenomenon that when we memorize words when we learn English, we pay too much attention to the "sound", "symbology" and "meaning" of the words, and most of us only pay attention to the "sound", "meaning" and "form".

4)What does the English word rhyme mean?

1.Well,when two or more words rhyme,they have similar sounds, or similar pronunciations with each other.

2.Well,when two or more words rhyme (with each other),they sound alike or sound similar.

So, to express English "rhyme", you can use the word rhyme, which is hard to remember, and say:

1. Well,this word rhymes with that word.

2.Well,these two words rhyme with each other.

You can also use a simpler English expression:

1.Well, these two words have similar sounds, or similar pronunciations with each other.

2.Well,when two words sound alike or sound similar.

In this way, your English vocabulary becomes more colorful.