

Next Week, Qinling Four Treasures Scientific Park Opens

Author's Note:"Qinling Four Treasures Scientific Park" (Shaanxi Qinling Giant Panda Breeding Research Center) is scheduled to open on May 28th. At that time, it will exhibit 10-15 giant pandas, 50 crested ibises, 8 golden snub-nosed monkeys, and 20 takins. The world's only brown giant panda "Qizai" will also meet visitors. Some friends asked, aren't pandas from Sichuan? Do you know that there are two types of giant pandas in China? That's right, one is the Sichuan giant panda, and the other is the Shaanxi Qinling giant panda. How to distinguish them? Let me tell you, Sichuan giant pandas look more like bears, while Qinling giant pandas look more like cats. Qinling giant pandas not only come in black and white, but also have extremely rare brown individuals. Which one do you prefer? My answer is "Adults choose, but children want them all!" The only panda in the world that can have colored photos is in Qinling? Who were the mascots of the "14th National Games" in 2021? Qinling Four Treasures Scientific Park limits daily visitors to 3000? Qizai wasn't artificially bred? Was he abandoned by his parents in the jungles of Foping County in Qinling during his childhood? Stay tuned for details!

You Can Spot Qizai at a Glance

The Only Panda in the World That Can Have Colored Photos?"Did it print until your ink ran out? Well, now you won't bump into someone wearing the same outfit when you go out." "Has the color faded?" "I don't know what to say, I'm just rolling around for everyone." "The only panda in the world that can have colored photos, a treasure among treasures." "Every day, watching Qizai eating from the keeper's side, munching away." "The brown cutie, excessively adorable." "It doesn't look very smart..."

It Doesn't Look Very Smart

Who were the mascots of the "14th National Games" in 2021? Does Qinling Four Treasures Scientific Park limit daily visitors to 3000?"Zhuzhu", "Xiongxiong", "Lingling", "Jinjin" are the prototypes for the mascots of the Qinling Four Treasures, namely the crested ibis, giant panda, takin, and golden snub-nosed monkey. The "Qinling Four Treasures Scientific Park" is located at the Louguantai in Zhouzhi County, at the northern foot of Qinling Mountains, 70 kilometers away from Xi'an. In addition to the Qinling Four Treasures, this park also features more than 20 species and over 100 individuals of rare wildlife native to the Qinling region, including red pandas, black bears, Reeves's muntjacs, spotted deer, golden eagles, long-eared owls, Eurasian eagle-owls, common kestrels, bearded vultures, and red-bellied tragopans. Visitors can make reservations, with a daily limit of 3000 people.

Qinling Four Treasures Scientific Park

Was Qizai adopted by Pandas International in 2019?"Qizai" was born in 2009, male, with a gentle and honest personality, not competing or grabbing with others. He attracted attention due to his rare fur color. On November 20, 2019, the adoption ceremony for the world's only captive brown giant panda "Qizai" was held at the "Shaanxi Institute of Forestry Sciences Qinling Giant Panda Breeding Research Center", and "Pandas International" adopted "Qizai".

Adoption Ceremony of Qizai

Was Qizai not artificially bred? Was he abandoned by his parents in the jungles of Foping County in Qinling during his childhood?On the evening of November 1, 2009, the "Shaanxi Rare Wildlife Rescue and Research Center" discovered a light brown cub in the deep mountains of the Qinling Mountains, in the San Guan Temple Gate Gully area of the Foping National Nature Reserve. This is the fifth scientifically documented brown giant panda in the world and the fourth found within Foping. Due to its round head and round body, resembling the alien pet in the movie "Long Arm of the Law", it was named "Qizai".

Young Qizai Found in the Jungle