precipitation- 降水量和类型详解



Rain Water [Photo/]

In Chinese tradition, the solar year is divided into 24 terms. Rain Water is the second, beginning this year on February 19 and ending on March 4.

Rain Water marks the period of increasing rainfall and temperatures. With its arrival, the earth awakens from winter slumber, the river ice melts, wild geese migrate north, and plants begin to bloom.

Here are six fascinating facts about Rain Water:

Spring Bamboo Shoots

Rain Water is the season's delight for fresh bamboo shoots. An old saying goes, "To fully experience the flavors of spring, one must partake of its shoots." According to the ancient Book of Songs, Chinese culinary chronicles with bamboo shoots extend back over two millennia.

bamboo shoots

Spring Bamboo Shoots. [Photo/IC]

Water as Precious as Oil

As an old proverb holds, springtime rain is as valuable as oil. In northern China, spring droughts are common, and the season's rainfall accounts for only 10-15% of the yearly average.

Therefore, the Rain Water period is seen as critical for agriculture, as the weather warms and precipitation increases.



Return of Cold

Despite the warming trend, caution is advised for the "return of cold" that often strikes in late spring during Rain Water. The high humidity from the increased rainfall can bring lower temperatures and dampness. It's wise to delay shedding winter layers for a while, especially for seniors and children.





Visit to in-laws

Son-in-law visiting father-in-law and mother-in-law

One of the main customs during Rain Water is husbands visiting their in-laws and giving gifts. According to the tradition, gifts are usually two cane chairs winded with four meters of red belt, which symbolizes good health and longevity. Another typical gift is a pot of cooked dish that contains pig's knuckles stewed with soya and kelp, by which the son-in-law expresses his respect and gratitude.




Finding godfather

Another old custom is to find a godfather for little kids. Rainfall brings vitality to the earth; therefore people in the past believed that this practice would give their kids healthy and safe growth.


The custom can be traced back to the health services of the past when many children's diseases could not be cured at all. Therefore, parents wanted a godfather to shower their blessings and good luck on their children. This old practice was popular in Sichuan area.




Nutritious porridge

The wet and damp weather during Rain Water period is considered harmful for people's spleen and stomach according to Chinese medical practice. Therefore, a bowl of nutritious porridge is the best choice to nourish the body.


People in Beijing often eat porridge cooked with rehmannia glutinosa libosch, a kind of Chinese herb medicine, to resist cold and wet weather and eliminate heat from the blood. It is also good for people with constipation, arthritis and headaches.




