

The giant panda has survived on Earth for at least 8 million years and is hailed as a "living fossil" and "national treasure of China." It serves as the flagship species for the conservation of global biodiversity as the ambassador of the World Wide Fund for Nature. The giant panda, endemic to China, mainly inhabits mountainous regions in Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu provinces. Due to its adorable appearance, it is beloved by people from all over the world. However, in recent years, the population has dwindled to the brink of extinction. Despite having no natural predators in the wild, why is the giant panda facing extinction?

Why Are Pandas on the Verge of Extinction?

1. Difficulty in Reproduction

Pandas are solitary animals and only seek mates during the breeding season. They attract each other by leaving their scent in various places and engage in various courtship activities in dense bamboo forests. Female pandas go into estrus once a year for only a brief 2-3 days. If they fail to find a mate during this period, it's challenging to reproduce offspring during that breeding season. Pandas have a low reproductive rate, and their cubs have a low survival rate.

Why Are Pandas on the Verge of Extinction?

2. Low Survival Rate

Giant panda cubs are born underdeveloped, weighing only 0.1% of their mother's weight. They are incredibly light at birth, averaging about 145 grams, which is only one-thousandth of the weight of an adult panda. Rearing cubs is a daunting task for female pandas, often lasting 18 months or even up to two years until their next offspring is born. In the wild, if twins are born, the mother panda usually neglects or rejects the weaker one to ensure the survival of the stronger cub. The highly specialized reproductive capacity and maternal behavior of pandas contribute to their slow population growth.

Why Are Pandas on the Verge of Extinction?

3. Poor Nutrient Absorption

Giant pandas primarily feed on bamboo, but they have a low digestive efficiency for it. Food stays in their bodies for a short time, so they consume large quantities of bamboo and excrete quickly to obtain sufficient energy. This restriction on energy intake greatly affects their activities, requiring them to maximize energy intake while minimizing energy expenditure. Most of their time is spent collecting, preparing, and eating bamboo, regardless of their posture (sitting, lying down, or leaning). They continuously strip bamboo and consume bamboo leaves.

Why Are Pandas on the Verge of Extinction?

4. Decrease in Habitat

The distribution of giant pandas is quite limited, mainly in the Qinling Mountains of Shaanxi, the Min Mountains at the junction of Gansu and Sichuan, and six isolated areas in Sichuan, including Qionglai Mountains, Daxiangling Mountains, Xiaoxiangling Mountains, and Da and Xiao Liang Mountains. The actual habitat area is less than 20% of the total area. Habitat fragmentation and human interference are the main factors affecting the distribution of giant pandas today. Fragmented habitats and isolated distribution pose significant disadvantages for panda reproduction and resistance to natural disasters.

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