put forward无可反驳


高阶英语词汇秘方:put 的百变用法

put,p u t put,这个多面手及物动词的功能真是叹为观止:可以是放、摆,也可以是书写、表达、提出、建议等等。看看例句就知道它的威力了:

Her husband Frank liked the phrase so much that he put it up on the classroom wall for his students.


搭配延伸,put 更是精彩万分:

put away 放好,收起来
put down 把什么什么放下,写下
put forward 建议,提出
put off 推迟
put on 穿上,戴上
put up 挂起张贴,搭起
put up with 忍受