

曾挑战西班牙肉食狂欢的厨师Rodrigo de la Calle,


相对而言,米其林一星大厨Rodrigo de la Calle在Villa Magna酒店一楼餐厅推出的“绿色革命”菜单确有逆潮流而动的勇气。西班牙人嗜肉如命,Tapas的主旋律也多是荤菜。但Rodrigo却酷爱蔬菜,他在南美逗留多年,花费一年时间采集和研究当地的蔬菜香料,并将菜籽带回马德里,在其位于马德里城区一公里外的家中试种。“让异域蔬菜适应马德里的气候和土壤可是个挑战”。好在这般摸索中,几十种蔬菜逐渐成气候,茂盛得如同精心管理的私家花园。产量供给他的私人餐厅外,还足够他在Villa Magna不间断地供应全套的“绿色革命”菜单()。每个人都得收敛大鱼大肉的念头,看着荤腥被蜻蜓点水般地作为辅料。除了小巧玻璃盏盛的火腿汤可以勉强当做荤菜主角之外,其他的菜肴无一例外地“寡淡无味”。




注:Rodrigo与Villa Magna的合作已告一段落,现时你可在Sierra Madrileña的EL INVERNADEROLa Torre Box Art Hotel品尝到他的素食佳肴。



La Bola的厨房狭小拥挤,狭小到我无法安然拍摄几张店内招牌菜——马德里肉汤的烹制过程。厨师们要不断地在长达四个小时的时间里,将熬制原汤的大锅中的原汤逐一添进特别烧制的瓦罐之中。其中猪蹄、鹰嘴豆,经过长时间的腌制和蒸煮,已经变得柔烂滑膩,连加入的汤都会泛着浓郁的香味。临近午饭时间,餐厅里几乎无一空位。就连走到自己的座位,也需要其他客人起身挪动椅子腾出过道。身着黑马甲的侍应生态度彬彬有礼,也没有挤在厨房门口大声催促上菜。客人也都大多显得从容不迫。只有当厨师吆喝着将刚出炉的肉汤端上来时,众人才会颇有默契地将面包移到一旁,重新整理餐具,开始正式用餐。






“我和客人们都很熟悉餐厅的细节,当年我父母的客人,如今他们的孩子仍然愿意来这里用餐,这就好像我和几个家族一起分享记忆和时光一样,很有趣!”罗拉觉得她需要扮演好一个守护者的角色。“家族有新的生意,有新的餐厅,佛拉明哥俱乐部,但大家都同意维护和坚持La Bola原有的风貌”。在她看来,变化是潮流,但对情感和记忆来说,却未必都是好事。“我喜欢去新餐厅吃饭,但这并不意味着我一定要放弃一些让记忆温暖的传统。”

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But roasted suckling pig is still very delicious.
Botin restaurant has the same tradition in another way. The title of "the oldest restaurant" (1725) in the Guinness Book of World Records has brought a continuous stream of tourists to the restaurant. The restaurant simply adjusted its own clock. Although the cost of maintaining the original 18th-century style is getting higher and higher, even finding red bricks of the same color is becoming increasingly difficult. But the urge to remember is too strong.

This makes the restaurant's basement the most popular dining area for diners, who are even willing to wait in the tense journey to get a seat. The wine cellar space is not large, and the seats are usually crowded together, but the exposed red bricks and the lines drawn by the gray powder are too cool. It always reminds people of the decades after the Middle Ages when people were quite particular and interesting about the dining atmosphere. Of course, according to the rules of that time. The owner needs to step on the narrow stairs that require bowing and stooping, and through a wooden window, to ask the chef to adjust the taste slightly. This window is still there. As long as you lean slightly inward, you can see the chef using a long-handled iron shovel to put the marinated suckling pig into the huge black roasting oven that has been smoked for a long time. In the busy season, he roasts almost hundreds of suckling pigs every day.


Without annoying the waiter,

You can go to the small window in the kitchen and watch the chef roast the suckling pig with fire;

Suckling pig is the most popular dish here, with crispy skin, a strong but not choking smoky smell, and a sweetness in the meat. Take a bite while it's hot, with a few years of old red wine, and chew it slowly, and the taste can slowly bloom like a flower between the lips and teeth.


Hemingway used to like sitting on the 2nd floor, he didn't like the basement,

But he didn't want to be disturbed, so he just sat in the corner.

Back then, this taste also conquered Hemingway. This young man who was a ranger in Europe at that time was not so addicted to the always crowded basement, but would rather sit in the innermost chair in the corner surrounded by blue and white china patterns on the second floor, hiding very deeply, rarely disturbed. You can enjoy a genuine Botin roasted suckling pig on your own, or write something. The restaurant didn't add any special marks to this seat, only the waiters knew the exact location of this set of tables and chairs. Over the years, the debate about Hemingway has never stopped. He is a great writer, but whether he is a foodie has never reached a consensus. "Many people ask about Hemingway, but we believe that this is not the ultimate reason why guests choose Botin." The waiter rearranged his white suit and tie, seeming to dismiss the question I asked about Hemingway. "If the food doesn't taste good, trust me, nothing will make the Spanish come back for a second time."


San Miguel Market, now despised by Madrilenos as "a place for tourists",

They prefer to go to San Anton.

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