

One day, as government officials worked to rebuild a barn, they偶然发现了 a mouse hole in a corner. To force any mice inside the hole to emerge, they instilled smoke. A while later, they indeed saw mice fleeing, one after another.

Presuming that all the mice had escaped, they began to clean up. However, they were surprised to see two mice struggling to squeeze out of the hole's opening. With great effort, the mice finally managed to free themselves.

Strangely, after emerging from the hole, they didn't immediately flee. Instead, one relentlessly pursued the other near the hole's opening. It appeared as if one was trying to bite the other's tail.

Puzzled, the officials approached closer to investigate. They discovered that one of the mice was blind and could not see. The other mouse was attempting to get the blind mouse to bite onto his tail so that he could lead him away to safety.

Upon witnessing this act of compassion, the officials were speechless and lost in thought. During their meal, the group gathered and engaged in a discussion about the two mice.

With a solemn expression, an American official stated, "In my opinion, the relationship between those two mice resembled that of a king and his trusted guard." The others pondered for a moment and exclaimed, "That explains it all!"