

How to Handle Marital Relationships

Xin Zhizhunvxing (WeChat account: xinzhizhunvxing)

Written by: Xin Zhizhunvxing's senior author, Lv Milu

Broadcast by: Kai Xiaoxi

What to Do after a Cold War?

From Xin Zhizhunvxing


Xin Yuejun says:

A cold war implies a deliberate indifference, and indifference looks like disinterest. Disinterest is a major provocateur in relationships.

"It's day 16 of the cold war, only 5 more days before I will be comfortable without him."

My friend, who's usually very active and talkative, surprisingly keeps calm this time around during the cold war.

She said, "There's a 21-day habit-forming period, isn't there?"

Day 1, I won't greet him in the morning or at night, and let him worry and constantly check his call logs.

Day 2, I won't make him lunch and let him order takeout by himself and suffer stomach upset from waiting too long.

Day 3, I won't accompany him for a walk and let him cross the street lonely.

Day 4…

My friend seems quite sure of a victory this time.

How to Handle Marital Relationships

But what if the other person has the same idea?

A cold war that lasts for 21 days usually implies a silent agreement between both parties that whoever speaks first loses.

You would rather suppress your own needs than prove that the other person is wrong.


"Winning versus Losing" is the Worst Damage in a Cold War.

In a marital relationship, there's a group of people from the "I'd Die If I Don't Speak" planet, a cold war is definitely a deadly technique to them.

For someone from this planet, it's quite a horrifying thing not to give an answer immediately after an argument. This is because they are essentially anxious and insecure deep inside, and they believe the health of an intimate relationship is defined by intimacy.

Tactics like cold war can largely break down their defense mechanism in a relationship, and once a consensus is reached with the partner, it means tearing up the Code of Conduct of an intimate relationship and that there's no room for reconciliation in the future.

People from this planet often have very low self-esteem, and their early attachment relationships are full of anxiety.

Their parents' love varies depending on circumstances: For instance, they may be cheerful and run towards their parents, but their parents may be angry; they may run away from their parents in fear, but their parents may give them the loving care they need. This sense of uncertainty in an intimate relationship makes them feel overwhelmed. They don't know how to respond in a relationship, and are uncertain of whether their partner will abandon them next.

People from this planet choose to be the peacemaker first in order to dispel their partner's doubts, even though they have said "don't be with someone who likes cold wars, such people cannot give us a sense of security" countless times in their heart. In the end, they would rather wrong themselves because they think keeping the relationship is much more important than saving face.

Based on this, people from this planet have little advantage in a cold war, but does it mean people from the "Cold War" planet won't get hurt or, to be more precise, they won't lose?

Of course not, the higher the self-esteem, the deeper the hurt. This is also the reason why "Cold War" people are afraid of admitting defeat.

There may be "Cold War" people who don't necessarily think their partner is wrong, but rather their heads are in a mess over how to mend the relationship and they have to spend time quietly pondering and blaming themselves, which their partner misinterprets as being irresponsible. Additionally, some "Cold War" people don't allow themselves to make mistakes. They may feel wronged and feel like they need to quietly give their partner some form of punishment.

How to Handle Marital Relationships

For instance, a "Cold War" person may set a deadline after an argument with their partner of 99 days. If the partner shows up at the foot of their apartment building every day, seeking comfort, reconciliation, or forgiveness, and does so persistently for 99 days, then the "Cold War" person will dispel their doubts, approach their partner, and approach their partner. But when the partner realizes that the "Cold War" individual remains indifferent over the past 98 days and eventually loses patience and leaves by day 99, the "Cold War" person's self-esteem will be dealt a fatal blow and will live in a self-defeating cycle.

A "Cold War" person's world needs order. They have become accustomed to the many rules that their parents had laid out for them in their early days, such as that each character must be written clearly, that toys must be placed in specific slots, and that there is no room for error. Making a mistake would mean being punished. Such obsessive-compulsive thinking makes it very difficult for them to reconcile with their partner in a relationship. They dare not admit to their own mistakes, as this would make them less perfect in the relationship.

Whether you are from the "I'd Die If I Don't Speak" planet or the "Cold War" planet, a cold war is only a form of argument and a transformative process in an intimate relationship. During this process, it is very easy for the two of you to define each other with the following ideas:

It's obviously you who's wrong. If I speak first, it will mean I'm wrong too.

I know I'm wrong, but if you don't speak first, that can only mean you don't value me.

So who's right or wrong?

Right and wrong implies winning and losing, which is a win-lose mentality. Two people with the win-lose mentally will engage in a cold war once a consensus is reached, and the damage will only begin. Even if the "I'd Die If I Don't Speak" person admits defeat, the problem is not truly resolved, and the vicious cycle later on is a certainty.


A Cold War Is Sometimes a Good Thing

There is a couple who is very good at handling a "cold war": Guan Gu and You You in the TV show "Love Apartment".

In one episode, Guan Gu and You You each made a time capsule and they agreed to put the most important things to them inside, and open the box together fifty years later. You You put in the box all of the things that remind her of Guan Gu. But surprisingly, there was nothing related to You You in Guan Gu's time capsule.

You You was furious, and the consequences were serious. She thought that Guan Gu did not value their relationship and refused to talk to him anymore, and started the cold war.

But Guan Gu did not apologize, but instead devised a rule together with You You:

Temporarily shelve the topic being argued about, reconcile first to restore peace, and then refine the analysis of the cause of the issue and determine the best solution when there is time and space.

This way can give both parties more time to consider each other's interests and values.

How to Handle Marital Relationships

The way Guan Gu and You You handled their cold war can be broken down into three steps:

Initiate a Ceasefire

You You: "Don't apologize to me, don't expect me to talk to you!"

Guan Gu: "
























