

英语小杂谈 20240417
实用句式 Useful Sentences
成长 One's Growing Up
Where were you born? 你是在哪儿出生的?
What was your childhood like? 你的童年是什么样子的?
I was born in America. 我出生在美国。
I didn't really grow up there. 我不是在那里长大的。
I spent most of my childhood in Beijing. 我大部分童年时光是在北京度过的。
I had a pretty strict upbringing. 我受到的管教很严格。
I had an enjoyable childhood. 我有一个快乐的童年。
My family moved to Hong Kong when I was a few months old. 我几个月大的时候,我的家人搬到了香港。
学业和事业 Education and Career
Where did you go to university? 你在哪所大学上学的?
I studied at Cambridge University. 我就读于剑桥大学。
I studied Computer Software and Mathematics. 我学习了计算机软件和数学。
I went to Harvard for my undergraduate and to Princeton for my postgraduate. 我在哈佛大学读本科,然后在普林斯顿大学读研究生。
I graduated from Oxford University with a degree in English Literature. 我毕业于牛津大学,获得了英国文学学位。
My college days were the best days of my life. 我在大学的时光是我一生中最美好的时光。
I always wanted to be a writer. 我一直想成为一名作家。
It's not an easy industry to get into, so I think my connections helped me. 这行不好进,所以我认为我的关系帮到了我。
I've written a few books and write feature articles for newspapers and magazines too. 我写了几本书,也为报纸和杂志写专题文章。
婚姻 Marriage
When are you getting married? 你什么时候结婚?
How long have you been married? 你们结婚多久了?
We only just got married this summer. 我们今年夏天刚结婚。
I was married, but am single now. 我结过婚,但现在是单身。
My husband and I split up a few years ago. 我和我丈夫几年前离婚了。
We're separated now. 我们现在分居。
We just weren't right for each other. 我们不适合彼此。
I'm not ready to settle down with him yet. 我还没准备好和他确定下来。
My first marriage was a mistake. 我的第一次婚姻是个错误。
Marriage isn't the sort of thing to rush in to. 婚姻这种事急不得。
词汇 Words and Expressions
accent 口音
connection 人脉
ex-husband 前夫
industry 行业
bride-to-be 准新娘
deal 合约
feature article 专题文章
marriage 婚姻
column 专栏
divorce 离婚
grow up 长大
settle down 确定
