

Nestled in the southwestern region of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Chongzuo is an enchanting city that resembles a vibrant canvas, boasting an enigmatic border charm and a rich ethnic heritage. The unique allure of the Zhuang people permeates every corner, infusing the streets with their infectious enthusiasm. Today, let us unravel the mysteries of Chongzuo's six culinary treasures, which hold a cherished place in the hearts of locals.

1. Chongzuo Sour Rice Congee

For visitors, Chongzuo Sour Rice Congee can be an acquired taste, even intimidating. Yet, for locals, it is an irresistible treat. Beneath its humble appearance lies a symphony of flavors. The tantalizing aroma of sourness fills the air, teasing the senses. A single spoonful ignites a fireworks display on the palate, leaving an unforgettable impression. Such is the allure of Sour Rice Congee, a culinary gem that beckons the curious.

2. Chongzuo Sandy Cake

Chongzuo Sandy Cake is not only a flavorful treat but also embodies the warmth of home. As festivals approach, households gear up to prepare this delicacy. The crafting process, while simple, requires meticulous precision. It starts with a harmonious blend of glutinous rice, sugar, and sesame, ground into a fine powder. Water is incorporated until a smooth consistency is achieved, and then it is gracefully steamed to perfection. Each step, though effortless, demands attention to detail. The Sandy Cake delights with its distinct texture, leaving behind a lingering taste of earthy sweetness.

3. Nalong Cured Duck

The culinary versatility of Cured Duck knows no bounds. It can be simmered into a porridge, transformed into a nourishing broth, or elevated as a savory element in fried rice or stir-fried dishes. Among these variations, my heart fondly recalls thin slices of Cured Duck, artfully fried with a vibrant tapestry of vegetables. As the oil sizzles, the intoxicating aroma of the duck captivates the senses, teasing the appetite. When the tender slices dance upon the tongue, their rich, flavorful oil bursts forth, leaving an unforgettable symphony of tastes.

4. Zhuang Charcoal-Roasted Piglet

The Ningming Zhuangs' signature delicacy, Charcoal-Roasted Piglet, is a mouthwatering masterpiece. Its burnished golden skin, crisp and inviting, calls out to the taste buds. During the culinary alchemy, the subtle touch of yellow peel leaves comes to the forefront, not only warding off any unwanted gaminess but also infusing the meat with a whisper of aromatic magic. This dish epitomizes the culinary artistry and wisdom of the Zhuang people.

5. Longzhou Five-Color Glutinous Rice

Five-Color Glutinous Rice, a treasure of the Zhuang people of Guangxi, is a feast for both the palate and the eyes. Its vibrant tapestry of hues – red, black, yellow, purple, and white – paints a harmonious masterpiece. The culinary reverence for this dish runs deep in Longzhou, where it is treated as an emblem of pride. Upon savoring the steamed rice, the vibrant colors ignite the senses, evoking a sense of joy and celebration.

6. Red Sagopalm Powder

In the Longzhou County of Chongzuo, Guangxi, lies a cherished culinary gem, the Red Sagopalm Powder. This humble delicacy, embraced by both young and old, offers not only culinary delight but also heartwarming comfort. To savor the authentic experience, simply dissolve a spoonful of the powder in cool water, stirring until smooth. Then, pour in boiling water and stir again. Behold, the opaque Red Sagopalm Powder transforms into a translucent treat. However, should the mixture develop unwanted lumps, fear not! A brief spell in the microwave or over