

As we enter the height of summer, the hottest time of the year is upon us. Therefore, today, I'd like to share ten pieces of knowledge for summer health.

Firstly, the best time to rest in summer is from 10 PM to 11 PM, and the best time to wake up is from 5:30 AM to 6:30 AM.

Secondly, the best color for summer clothing is red. Why red? Because red light waves are the longest. Wearing red clothes outdoors can absorb and filter a large amount of UV rays from the intense sun, reducing the damage of strong UV rays to the skin. It protects the skin, effectively prevents skin aging, and reduces the risk of skin cancer. Other colors, including white, have weaker effects. Fabrics with a blend of materials are preferable.

Thirdly, the best vegetables to eat in summer are bitter vegetables. Because bitterness is beneficial for the heart. In summer, with high temperatures and heavy humidity, people are prone to chest tightness, dizziness, loss of appetite, physical weakness, and fatigue. Eating bitter vegetables at this time can greatly help alleviate summer symptoms. Bitter melon, bitter vegetables, lettuce, celery, dandelion, lotus seeds, and lilies are all excellent choices.

Fourthly, the best meat to eat in summer is duck meat. Ducks are waterfowl, with a cold nature. According to traditional Chinese medicine, treating heat with coldness is especially suitable for people with internal heat, such as low fever, virtual heat, poor appetite, dry stools, and edema, which are common in summer. Cooking duck meat with glutinous rice to make porridge can nourish the stomach, replenish blood, and generate body fluids. It is very beneficial for those who are weak after illness. Duck meat and kelp stew can soften blood vessels, lower blood pressure, prevent and treat arteriosclerosis, hypertension, and heart disease.

Fifthly, the best soup for summer is tomato soup. Drinking more tomato soup in summer is beneficial because tomatoes are rich in water and vitamins. Drinking tomato soup can replenish vitamins and hydrate the body, killing two birds with one stone. In addition, tomatoes are also rich in lycopene, which needs to be fully released through cooking. Lycopene has good health benefits for men, as it has certain anti-prostate cancer and heart protection effects.

Sixthly, the best seasoning for summer is vinegar. In the hot summer, sweating increases. Consuming more vinegar can effectively increase the concentration of gastric acid in the body, helping the digestive system digest and absorb food, promoting appetite. Vinegar also has a strong bactericidal function and can kill bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus in a short time, preventing intestinal infectious diseases such as typhoid fever and dysentery. In summer, people are prone to fatigue, tiredness, and discomfort. Consuming more vinegar can effectively relieve fatigue and keep you energetic.

Seventhly, the best beverage for summer is hot tea. Experiments by British experts have shown that the cooling ability of hot tea far exceeds that of cold drinks. At the same time, tea is rich in potassium, which can effectively relieve fatigue. Drinking hot tea in summer quenches thirst and relieves fatigue, making it an outstanding summer beverage.

Eighthly, the best nutrient for summer is vitamin E. Vitamin E has antioxidant effects. Oxidation is a normal metabolic process in the human body, but if it is too deep, it may cause problems such as age spots, arteriosclerosis, and cancer. Vitamin E can reverse the oxidation process. Common foods such as plant seeds and nuts contain a lot of vitamin E, which people can consume appropriately in summer.

Ninthly, the best exercise for summer is swimming. Swimming not only exercises the muscles of the whole body but also massages and stimulates the organs of the body, such as the heart, brain, lungs, and liver, especially beneficial for blood vessels, known as vascular gymnastics. In addition, the body consumes more calories in the water than usual, so swimming can also reduce excessive weight. It has the benefits of bodybuilding.

Tenthly, the best way to cool off in summer is the traditional method of fanning oneself with a fan. From the perspective of health and fitness, using a fan is the best! Although the fan is an old-fashioned tool, its fitness effect is better than other modern cooling devices. Why is that? Waving a fan can exercise the upper limbs and activate the brain, preventing strokes. I hope everyone will implement these ten points in summer, which will be helpful for our health.

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