

With the cheerful melody of "Big Windmill" echoing in our ears, we can almost feel the joy of childhood.

As Children's Day approaches, let's create a lively windmill collage.

May your child's childhood be filled with joy, just like the sun shining brightly in this picture.


- Colored cardstock
- Pen
- Scissors
- Glue

Step 1: Cut a small square from the colored cardstock.

Step 2: Fold the square diagonally, as shown below.

Step 3: Unfold and fold again perpendicularly, as shown below.

Step 4: Unfold and you should have a "+" shape, as shown below.

Step 5: Cut along the folded lines, as shown below.

Step 6: Cut all four lines, but not all the way to the center.

Step 7: Apply glue to the center, as shown below.

Step 8: Fold one corner to the center and glue it down.

Step 9: Repeat for the adjacent corner.

Step 10: Glue down the third corner.

Step 11: Apply more glue to the center, as shown below.

Step 12: Repeat the process for the fourth corner.

Step 13: Glue down the fourth corner and your windmill is complete.

Step 14: Cut out a small circle and glue it to the center.

Step 15: Make another windmill.

Step 16: Cut out two strips of paper.

Step 17: Apply glue to the strips of paper.

Step 18: Glue the strips of paper to the white paper.

Step 19: Apply glue to the back of the windmills.

Step 20: Glue the windmills to the paper strips.

Glue down the remaining paper strip and enjoy your charming windmill collage!

1. 将蓝色小风车粘贴在本文第 1 步所示位置。
2. 剪出一个圆形,作为太阳,如下图所示。
3. 在圆形背面涂胶,如下图所示。
4. 将太阳粘贴在本文第 4 步所示位置。
5. 给太阳画上光芒。
6. 剪出两朵云彩,如下图所示。
7. 在云彩背面涂胶,如下图所示。
8. 将云彩粘贴在本文第 8 步所示位置。
9. 剪出几片绿草,如下图所示。
10. 在绿草背面涂胶,如下图所示。
11. 将绿草粘贴在画面底部,如下图所示。
12. 将其他绿草分别涂上胶,粘贴在本文第 12 步所示位置。
13. 随意画几株小花。
14. 为太阳和云朵画上表情,如下图所示。
15. 在空白处贴上前边剪过的小鸟、小蝴蝶、小瓢虫、小蜜蜂等装饰,丰富画面。
16. 也可以画出小蝴蝶、小蜜蜂、气球、飞机等,孩子们可以发挥想象力。