



a (an) [ə, eɪ(ən)] art. 一(个、件……)

abandon [əˈbændən] v. 抛弃, 舍弃, 放弃

ability [əˈbɪlɪtɪ] n. 能力;才能

able [ˈeɪb(ə)l] a. 能够;有能力的

abnormal [æbˈnɔːm(ə)l] a. 反常的, 变态的

aboard [əˈbɔːd] prep. 上(船, 飞机, 火车, 汽车等)

abolish [əˈbɔlɪʃ] v. 废除, 废止

abortion [əˈbɔːʃ(ə)n] v. 人工流产, 堕胎

about [əˈbaʊt] ad. 大约;到处;四处 prep. 关于;在各处;到处

above [əˈbʌv] prep. 在……上面 a. 上面的 ad. 在……之上

abroad [əˈbrɔːd] ad. 到(在)国外

abrupt [əˈbrʌpt] a. 突然的, 意外的, 粗鲁

absence [ˈæbsəns] n. 不在, 缺席

absent [ˈæbsənt] a. 缺席, 不在

absolute [ˈæbsəluːt] a. 完全, 全部, 绝对的

absorb [əbˈsɔːb] v. 吸收, 使全神贯注

abstract [ˈæbstrækt] a./ n. 抽象的(作品)

absurd [əbˈsɜːd] a.荒谬的, 怪诞不经的

abundant [əˈbʌndənt] a.大量,丰盛的,充裕的

abuse [əˈbjuːz] v.(酗酒)滥用,虐待,恶语

academic [ækəˈdemɪk] a. / n. 学术的, 教学的

academy [əˈkædəmɪ] n.专科学院,(美)私立学校

accelerate [əkˈseləreɪt] v.(使)加速, 加快

accent [ˈæksənt] n. 口音, 音调

accept [əkˈsept] vt. 接受

access [ˈækses] n. / v. 通道, 入径, 存取(计算机文件)

accessible [əkˈsesɪb(ə)l] a. 可到达的, 可接受的, 易相处的)

accident [ˈæksɪdənt] n. 事故, 意外的事

accommodation [əkɔməˈdeɪʃ(ə)n] n.住宿, 膳宿

accompany [əˈkʌmpənɪ] v. 陪同, 陪伴, 与…同时发生

accomplish [əˈkʌmplɪʃ] v. 完成

according to [əˈkɔːdɪŋ tʊ] ad. 按照, 根据

account [əˈkaʊnt] n. 账目;描述

accountant [əˈkaʊnt(ə)nt] n. 会计, 会计师

accumulate [əˈkjuːmjʊleɪt] v. 积累, 积聚

accuracy [ˈækjʊrəsɪ] n. 准确, 精确

accuse [əˈkjuːz] v. 正确无误的,精确的

accustomed [əˈkʌstəmd] a. 习惯于,惯常的

ache [eɪk] vi.& n. 痛, 疼痛

achieve [əˈtʃiːv] vt. 达到, 取得

achievement [əˈtʃiːvmənt] n. 成就,成绩,功绩

acid [ˈæsɪd] a. 酸的

acknowledge [əkˈnɔlɪdʒ] v. 承认

acquaintance [əˈkweɪntəns] n. 熟人, (与某人)认识

acquire [əˈkwaɪə(r)] v. 获得, 得到

acquisition [ækwɪˈzɪʃ(ə)n] n. 获得, 得到

acre [ˈeɪkə(r)] n. 英亩

across [əˈkrɔs] prep. 横过, 穿过

act [ækt] n. 法令, 条例 v. (戏)表演, 扮演(角色), 演出(戏);行动, 做事

action [ˈækʃ(ə)n] n. 行动

active [ˈæktɪv] a. 积极的, 主动的

activity [ækˈtɪvɪtɪ] n. 活动

actor [ˈæktə(r)] n. 男演员

actress [ˈæktrɪs] n. 女演员

actual [ˈæktʃʊəl] a. 实际的; 现实的

acute a.十分严重的,(病)急性的

AD n. 公元

ad [æd] (缩) =advertisement n.广告

adapt [əˈdæpt] v. 使适应, 适合, 改编

adaptation [ədæpˈteɪʃ(ə)n] n. 适应, 改编本

add [æd] vt.添加, 增加

addicted [əˈdɪktɪd] a. 上瘾, 成瘾, 入迷

addition [əˈdɪʃ(ə)n] n.增加;(算数用语)加

address [əˈdres] n. 地址

adequate [ˈædɪkwət] a. 合适的, 合乎需要的

adjust [əˈdʒʌst] v.调整,调节,适应,习惯

adjustment [əˈdʒʌstmənt] n. 调整, 适应

administration [ədmɪnɪˈstreɪʃ(ə)n] n.管理,行政部门

admirable [ˈædmərəb(ə)l] a.值得赞赏的,可钦佩的

admire [ədˈmaɪə(r)] v. 钦佩;羡慕

admission [ədˈmɪʃ(ə)n] n. 准入, 接纳

admit [ədˈmɪt] vt. 承认, 准许(入场, 入学, 入会)

adolescence [ædəʊ'lesns] n. 青春, 青春期

adolescent [ædəˈlesənt] n. 青少年

adopt [əˈdɔpt] v. 收养, 领养

adore [əˈdɔː(r)] v. (不用于进行时)热爱, 爱慕某人

adult [ˈædʌlt] n. 成年人

advance [ədˈvɑːns; (US) ədˈvæns] v. 推进, 促进;前进

advantage [ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ] n. 优点; 好处

aggressive [ˈəɡresɪv] adj. Hostile; determined to attack.

ago [əˈɡəʊ] adv. At some time before the present.

agree [əˈɡriː] v. To think the same as someone else.

agreement [əˈɡriːmənt] n. The fact of agreeing about something.

agricultural [æɡrɪˈkʌltʃər(ə)l] adj. Related to farming.

agriculture [ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃə(r)] n. The science and practice of farming.

ahead [əˈhed] adv. In or toward the future.

aid [eɪd] n. A thing or action that helps or supports.

AIDS [eɪdz] n. A disease of the immune system.

aim [eɪm] n. The purpose or goal of an action. v. To point or direct a weapon or missile.

air [eə(r)] n. The gaseous matter surrounding the Earth.

aircraft [ˈeəkrɑːft] n. A vehicle that flies in the air (singular and plural).

airline n. A company that operates airplanes.

airmail [ˈeəmeɪl] n. Mail delivered by airplane.

airplane [ˈeəpleɪn] n. A vehicle that flies in the air.

airport [ˈeəpɔːt] n. A place where aircraft take off and land.

airspace [ˈeəspeɪs] n. The space above a country or other area.

alarm [əˈlɑːm] n. A device that makes a loud noise to warn people of danger.

album [ˈælbəm] n. A book containing a collection of photographs or other items.

alcohol [ˈælkəhɔl] n. A colorless liquid used in drinks, as a fuel, or as a solvent.

alcoholic [ælkəˈhɔlɪk] adj. Relating to alcohol. n. A person who is addicted to alcohol.

algebra [ˈældʒɪbrə] n. A branch of mathematics that uses letters to represent numbers.

alike [əˈlaɪk] adv. In a similar way.

alive [əˈlaɪv] adj. Living.

all [ɔːl] adv. Completely. adj. The whole of; every.

allergic [əˈlɜːdʒɪk] adj. Causing an allergic reaction.

alley [ˈælɪ] n. A narrow street or passageway.

allocate [ˈæləkeɪt] v. To assign or distribute something.

allow [əˈlaʊ] vt. To permit.

allowance [əˈlaʊəns] n. A sum of money given regularly for a specific purpose.

almost [ˈɔːlməʊst] adv. Nearly but not quite.

alone [əˈləʊn] adj. By oneself, not with anyone else.

along [əˈlɔŋ; (US) əˈlɔŋ] ad. Forward; together with someone or something. prep. By the side of.

alongside [əlɔŋˈsaɪd; (US) əlɔːŋˈsaɪd] ad. Close to or beside.

aloud [əˈlaʊd] adv. Out loud so that others can hear.

alphabet [ˈælfəbet] n. A set of letters representing the sounds of a language.

already [ɔːlˈredɪ] adv. Before now.

also [ˈɔːlsəʊ] adv. As well.

alternative [ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv] adj. Providing a choice.

although [ɔːlˈðəʊ] conj. Despite the fact that.

altitude [ˈæltɪtjuːd; (US) ælˈtɪtuːd] n. The height of something above the ground.

altogether [ɔːltəˈɡeðə(r)] adv. Completely.

aluminium [æljʊˈmɪnɪəm] n. A light metal used in making airplanes and other things.

always [ˈɔːlweɪz] adv. At all times.

am/æm/ v. A form of the verb "be."

a.m./A.M. n. Morning.

amateur [ˈæmətə(r)] adj. Not professional.

amaze [əˈmeɪz] v. To surprise or astonish.

amazing [əˈmeɪzɪŋ] adj. Very surprising.

ambassador (ambassadress) [æmˈbæsədə(r)] n. A person representing their country in another country.

ambiguous [æmˈbɪɡjʊəs] adj. Causing confusion because of having more than one possible interpretation.

ambition [æmˈbɪʃ(ə)n] n. A strong desire for success.

ambulance [ˈæmbjʊləns] n. A vehicle used to transport the injured or sick.

America [əˈmerɪkə] n. The United States; North and South America.

American [əˈmerɪkən] a. Relating to the United States or North and South America. n. A person from the United States.

among [əˈmʌŋ] prep. In or between.

amount [əˈmaʊnt] n. / v. A sum or total.

ample [ˈæmp(ə)l] adj. Sufficient.

amuse [əˈmjuːz] vt. To entertain.

amusement [əˈmjuːzmənt] n. Entertainment.

analyze/ `ænl,aɪz / v. To examine or interpret something.

analysis [əˈnæləsɪs] n. The process of analyzing something.

ancestor [ˈænsəstə(r)] n. A person from whom one is descended.

acchor v. / n. To fasten or drop an anchor.

ancient [ˈeɪnʃənt] adj. Very old.

and [ənd, ænd] conj. Connecting words, phrases, or clauses.

anecdote [ˈænɪkdəʊt] n. A short story or incident.

anger [ˈæŋɡə(r)] n. A strong feeling of displeasure or hostility.

angle [ˈæŋɡ(ə)l] n. A figure formed by two lines meeting at a point.

angry [ˈænɡrɪ] adj. Feeling or showing anger.

animal [ˈænɪm(ə)l] n. A living creature that is not a human.

ankle [ˈæŋk(ə)l] n. The joint between the foot and the leg.

anniversary [ænɪˈvɜːsərɪ] n. The date of an event that happened in the past.

announce [əˈnaʊns] vt. To make something known publicly.

announcement [əˈnaʊnsmənt] n. A public statement.

annoy [əˈnɔɪ] vt. To irritate.

annual [ˈænjʊəl] adj. Happening once a year.

another [əˈnʌðə(r应用词汇
词汇 A
apply [əˈplaɪ] vt. 申请
appoint [əˈpɔɪnt] vt. 任命, 委任, 安排, 确定(时间, 地点)
appointment [əˈpɔɪntmənt] n. 约会
appreciate [əˈpriːʃɪeɪt] vt. 欣赏; 感激
appreciation [əpriːʃɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n] n. 欣赏,鉴定,评估
approach [əˈprəʊtʃ] n. / v. 靠近, 接近, 建议, 要求
appropriate [əˈprəʊprɪət] a. 合适的, 恰当的
approve [əˈpruːv] vt.赞成,同意,批准,通过
approximately [əprɔksɪˈmətlɪ] ad.近似, 大约
apron [ˈeɪprən] n. (机场的)停机坪
arbitrary [ˈɑːbɪtrərɪ; (US) ˈɑːrbɪtrerɪ] a. 随心所欲的, 独裁的, 专断的
arc [ɑːtʃ] n. 拱, 拱门
architect [ˈɑːkɪtekt] n. 建筑师, 设计师
architecture [ˈɑːkɪtektʃə(r)] n.建筑学, 建筑设计, 风格
area [ˈeərɪə] n. 面积;地域, 地方, 区域;范围, 领域
argue [ˈɑːɡjuː]vi. 争辩, 争论
argument [ˈɑːɡjʊmənt] n. 争论, 辩论
arise (arose, arisen) [əˈraɪz] vi. 起来, 升起;出现
arm [ɑːm] n. 臂,支架 v. 以…装备,武装起来n. (美)武器,武力
army [ˈɑːmɪ] n. 军队
arrange [əˈreɪndʒ] vt. 安排, 布置
arrangement [əˈreɪndʒmənt]n. 安排, 布置
arrive [əˈraɪv] vi. 到达;达到
arrow [ˈærəʊ] n. 箭;箭头
art [ɑːt] n. 艺术, 美术;技艺
article [ˈɑːtɪk(ə)l] n.文章;东西,物品;冠词america怎么读