

临江仙 · 夜饮东坡醒复醉

Part I



In the depths of the night, I indulge in wine at East Slope, where I become intoxicated, only to wake in an inebriated haze once more. My path home is shrouded in confusion, as if I have stumbled into the late hours of the night. Yet, my household servant's snoring echoes like thunder, leaving my knocks unanswered. Alone, I lean on my walking stick and listen to the murmuring whispers of the river, its faint ripples a symphony to my ears.

Part II

I lament this existence that is no longer my own, yearning to cast aside the relentless pursuit of ambition. As darkness envelops and the wind subsides, the water's surface becomes as smooth as silk. I board a tiny boat and embark into the unknown, entrusting my remaining days to the vast expanse of the rivers and seas.


Heavy is my heart, for my life is held captive by worldly desires. Alas, when shall I attain freedom from this relentless quest? In the tranquil hours of the night, the wind whispers secrets, and the water shimmers like silk beneath the moonlight. I cast my sorrow into the river's embrace, setting sail on a vessel of hope. I surrender my remaining days to the vast embrace of rivers and seas, seeking solace and a new beginning.
- Linjiang Immortal: A popular Tang Dynasty folk song, later adopted as a Song lyric genre.
- Dong Slope: An area in modern-day Huanggang, Hubei Province, where Su Shi established his residence during his exile.
- Listening to the Murmurs of the River: Su's residence in Huang Zhou was situated by the Yangtze River, often providing a soothing soundscape.
- Relentless Pursuit (营营): Describes the tireless striving for fame and fortune, a constant source of anxiety.
- Nightfall (夜阑): The late hours of the night.
- Silk Ripples (縠纹): A metaphor for the delicate ripples on the water's surface.
Historical Context
In 1080 AD, Su Shi found himself unjustly implicated in a political controversy known as the "Wutai Poetry Case." Subsequently, he was demoted to the humble post of prefect of Huang Zhou (present-day Huanggang, Hubei). Despite facing adversity, Su Shi embraced a spirit of resilience and sought solace in the beauty of nature. This poem, written in 1082 AD, encapsulates his complex emotions and his search for tranquility amidst adversity.