

"Fit" 一词多义详解


"Fit" 是一个用途广泛的词汇,在不同的语境下拥有多种含义。本文将详细解析 "fit" 的主要词性和用法,并佐以例句帮助理解。
一、动词 (Verb)
1. (使)合适;(使)合身:
- This dress fits you perfectly! (这条裙子你穿非常合适!)
- The key doesn't fit the lock anymore. (这把钥匙再也打不开这把锁了。)
2. 可容纳;装进:
- We managed to fit all the luggage in the trunk. (我们设法把所有的行李都装进了后备箱。)
- This room can fit up to 50 people. (这个房间最多可容纳 50 人。)
3. 安装:
- They fitted a new security system in the house. (他们在房子里安装了一套新的安保系统。)
- I need to get a new tire fitted on my car. (我需要给我的车装一个新轮胎。)
4. 符合;使…一致:
- His actions don't fit his words. (他的行为与言辞不符。)
- The evidence fits the theory. (证据与理论相符。)
5. 使合格;使胜任:
- Her qualifications fit her for the position. (她的资历使她能够胜任这个职位。)
- He trained hard to fit himself for the marathon. (他刻苦训练以使自己能够参加马拉松比赛。)
6. 安排时间(见某人、做某事);有足够的空间:
- Can you fit me in for a meeting tomorrow? (你明天能安排时间和我见面吗?)
- I'm trying to fit in some exercise every day. (我尽量每天都抽出时间锻炼身体。)
二、形容词 (Adjective)
1. 适合的;合格的;能胜任的:
- He is fit to be a leader. (他适合做领导。)
- Is this water fit for drinking? (这水适合饮用吗?)
2. 健康的;强健的:
- She's very fit for her age. (就她的年龄而言,她非常健康。)
- Exercise helps you stay fit. (锻炼有助于保持健康。)
1. fit in (with) 适合;(与…)合得来;适应:
- He doesn't fit in with the other children. (他与其他孩子合不来。)
- It's important to find a job that fits in with your lifestyle. (找一份适合你生活方式的工作很重要。)
2. Survival of the fittest 适者生存
3. Fitness (名词) 健康;健壮:
- He's very interested in fitness and nutrition. (他对健身和营养很感兴趣。)
- There's a fitness center on the first floor. (一楼有一个健身中心。)