

1. Arise - to come into existence; to happen: Present: arise; Past: arose; Past Participle: arisen

2. Awake - to stop sleeping: Present: awake; Past: awoke; Past Participle: awaked / awoken

3. Baby-sit - to look after a child while its parents are out: Present: baby-sit; Past: baby-sat; Past Participle: baby-sat

4. Be - to exist; to happen: Present: am / is / are; Past: was / were; Past Participle: been

5. Beat - to hit repeatedly: Present: beat; Past: beat; Past Participle: beaten

6. Become - to change into something different: Present: become; Past: became; Past Participle: become

7. Begin - to start: Present: begin; Past: began; Past Participle: begun

8. Bend - to make something curved: Present: bend; Past: bent; Past Participle: bent

9. Bet - to risk money on the result of something: Present: bet; Past: bet; Past Participle: bet

10. Bite - to cut something with your teeth: Present: bite; Past: bit; Past Participle: bitten / bit

11. Blow - to move air: Present: blow; Past: blew; Past Participle: blown

12. Break - to separate something into pieces: Present: break; Past: broke; Past Participle: broken

13. Bring - to take something to a place: Present: bring; Past: brought; Past Participle: brought

14. Broadcast - to send out a program on radio or television: Present: broadcast / broadcasted; Past: broadcast / broadcasted; Past Participle: broadcast / broadcasted

15. Build - to make something by putting parts together: Present: build; Past: built; Past Participle: built

16. Burn - to be on fire: Present: burn; Past: burnt / burned; Past Participle: burnt / burned

17. Buy - to get something by paying for it: Present: buy; Past: bought; Past Participle: bought

18. Can - to be able to: Present: can; Past: could

19. Cast - to throw something: Present: cast; Past: cast; Past Participle: cast

20. Catch - to stop something moving: Present: catch; Past: caught; Past Participle: caught

21. Choose - to decide to have something: Present: choose; Past: chose; Past Participle: chosen

22. Come - to move to a place: Present: come; Past: came; Past Participle: come

23. Cost - to have a particular price: Present: cost; Past: cost; Past Participle: cost

24. Cut - to make something shorter or smaller: Present: cut; Past: cut; Past Participle: cut

25. Deal - to give something to someone: Present: deal; Past: dealt; Past Participle: dealt

26. Dig - to make a hole in the ground: Present: dig; Past: dug; Past Participle: dug

27. Do - to perform an action: Present: do / does; Past: did; Past Participle: done

28. Draw - to make a picture: Present: draw; Past: drew; Past Participle: drawn

29. Dream - to have images in your mind while you are asleep: Present: dream; Past: dreamt / dreamed; Past Participle: dreamt / dreamed

30. Drink - to take liquid into your mouth: Present: drink; Past: drank; Past Participle: drunk

31. Drive - to control a vehicle: Present: drive; Past: drove; Past Participle: driven

32. Eat - to put food into your mouth and swallow it: Present: eat; Past: ate; Past Participle: eaten

33. Fall - to move down quickly: Present: fall; Past: fell; Past Participle: fallen

34. Feed - to give food to someone or something: Present: feed; Past: fed; Past Participle: fed

35. Feel - to have a particular sensation: Present: feel; Past: felt; Past Participle: felt

36. Fight - to try to defeat someone or something: Present: fight; Past: fought; Past Participle: fought

37. Find - to discover something: Present: find; Past: found; Past Participle: found

38. Found - to start something: Present: found; Past: founded; Past Participle: founded

39. Fly - to move through the air: Present: fly; Past: flew; Past Participle: flown

40. Forbid - to tell someone not to do something: Present: forbid; Past: forbade / forbad; Past Participle: forbidden

41. Forget - to be unable to remember something: Present: forget; Past: forgot; Past Participle: forgotten / forgot

42. Forgive - to stop being angry with someone: Present: forgive; Past: forgave; Past Participle: forgiven

43. Freeze - to become solid because of cold temperatures: Present: freeze; Past: froze; Past Participle: frozen

44. Get - to receive something: Present: get; Past: got; Past Participle: got

45. Give - to let someone have something: Present: give; Past: gave; Past Participle: given

46. Go - to move to a place: Present: go; Past: went; Past Participle: gone

47. Grow - to increase in size: Present: grow; Past: grew; Past Participle: grown

48. Hang - to be suspended from a point: Present: hang; Past: hung; Past Participle: hung

49. Hang - to kill someone by putting a rope around their neck: Present: hang; Past: hanged; Past Participle: hanged

50. Have - to possess something: Present: have / has; Past: had; Past Participle: had

51. Hear - to be aware of a sound: Present: hear; Past: heard; Past Participle: heard

52. Hide - to put something in a place where it cannot be seen: Present: hide; Past: hid; Past Participle: hidden / hid

53. Hit - to strike something with force: Present: hit; Past: hit; Past Participle: hit

54. Hold - to keep something in your hand: Present: hold; Past: held; Past Participle: held

55. Hurt - to cause pain: Present: hurt; Past: hurt; Past Participle: hurt

56. Keep - to continue doing something: Present: keep; Past: kept; Past Participle: kept

57. Know - to have information about something: Present: know; Past: knew; Past Participle: known

58. Lay - to put something down: Present: lay; Past: laid; Past Participle: laid

59. Lead - to show the way: Present: lead; Past: led; Past Participle: led

60. Learn - to get new knowledge or skills: Present: learn; Past: learnt / learned; Past Participle: learnt / learned

61. Leave - to go away from a place: Present: leave; Past: left; Past Participle: left

62. Lend - to give something to someone for a short time: Present: lend; Past: lent; Past Participle: lent

63. Let - to allow someone to do something: Present: let; Past: let; Past Participle: let

64. Lie - to be in a flat position: Present: lie; Past: lay; Past Participle: lain

65. Lose - to be unable to find something: Present: lose; Past: lost; Past Participle: lost

66. Make - to create something: Present: make; Past: made; Past Participle: made

67. Mean - to intend to do something: Present: mean; Past: meant; Past Participle: meant

68. Meet - to come together with someone: Present: meet; Past: met; Past Participle: met

69. Pay - to give money for something: Present: pay; Past: paid; Past Participle: paid

70. Put - to place something in a particular position: Present: put; Past: put; Past Participle: put

71. Read - to look at written words and understand them: Present: read; Past: read; Past Participle: read

72. Ride - to travel on a horse, bike, or other vehicle: Present: ride; Past:

60. learn 学习 learnt / learned learnt / learned

61. leave 离开 left left

62. lend 借贷 lent lent

63. let 让 let let

64. lie 躺,位于 lay lain

65. lie 撒谎 lied lied

66. light 点着 lit / lighted lit / lighted

67. lose 遗失 lost lost

68. make 制作 made made

69. may 可以 might ×

70. mean 意思是 meant meant

71. meet 碰到 met met

72. mistake 误认 mistook mistaken

73. misunderstand 误会 misunderstood misunderstood

74. pay 支付 paid paid

75. prove 证实 proved proved / proven

76. put 放置 put put

77. quit 放弃 quit / quitted quit / quitted

78. read 读 read read

79. rebuild 改建 rebuilt rebuilt

80. retell 复述 retold retold

81. rid 免除 rid / ridded rid / ridded

82. ride 骑 rode ridden

83. ring 打电话,响铃 rang rung

84. rise 上升 rose risen

85. run 跑 ran run

86. saw 锯 sawed sawed / sawn

87. say 说 said said

88. see 看 saw seen

89. seek 寻觅 sought sought

90. sell 卖 sold sold

91. send 送 / 寄 sent sent

92. set 安置 set set

93. sew 缝合 sewed sewn / sewed

94. shake 摇 shook shaken

95. shall 将 should ×

96. shave 刮(胡子) shave shaved / shaven

97. shine 发光 shone shone

98. shine 擦亮 shined shined

99. shoot 放(炮) shot shot

100. show 显露 showed shown / showed

101. shrink 缩水 shrank / shrunk shrunk

102. sing 唱歌 sang sung

103. sink 下沉 sank sunk

104. sit 坐 sat sat

105. sleep 睡 slept slept

106. smell 发出气味 smelt / smelled smelt / smelled

107. sow 种植 sowed sown / sowed

108. speak 说 spoke spoken

109. spell 拼写 spelt / spelled spelt / spelled

110. spend 花费 spent spent

111. spit 吐出 spat / spit spat / spit

112. spring 跳跃,弹跳 sprang / sprung sprung

113. stand 站立 stood stood

114. steal 偷 stole stolen

115. stick 刺,粘贴 stuck stuck

116. strike 撞,击,袭击 struck struck / stricken

117、swear 发誓,咒骂 past tense: swore past participle: sworn

118、sweep 打扫 past tense: swept past participle: swept

119、swell 肿胀 past tense: swelled past participle: swollen

120、swim 游泳 past tense: swam past participle: swum

121、take 拿 past tense: took past participle: taken

123、teach 教 past tense: taught past participle: taught

124、tear 撕裂 past tense: tore past participle: torn

125、tell 告诉 past tense: told past participle: told

126、think 思考 past tense: thought past participle: thought

127、throw 投 / 扔 past tense: threw past participle: thrown

128、understand 了解 past tense: understood past participle: understood

129、undertake 承担,从事 past tense: undertook past participle: undertaken

130、wake 醒着 past tense: woke past participle: woken

131、wear 穿着 past tense: wore past participle: worn

132、wet 淋湿 past tense: wet / wetted past participle: wet / wetted

133、will 将 过去式和过去分词:would

134、win 获胜 past tense: won past participle: won

135、wind 蜿蜒,缠绕, past tense: wound past participle: wound

136、 wound 受伤 past tense: wounded past participle: wounded

137、 write 书写 past tense: wrote past participle: written