酒精的化学式 乙醇的化学式读法


Ethanol's Chemical Formula and Reading

I. Matter's Scientific Name, Common Name, and Chemical Formula

⑴ Diamond, Graphite: C

⑵ Mercury: Hg

⑶ Quicklime, Calcium Oxide: CaO

⑷ Dry Ice (Solid Carbon Dioxide): CO2

⑸ Hydrochloric Acid: HCl

⑹ Slaked Lime, Calcium Hydroxide: Ca(OH)2

⑺ Caustic Soda, Lye, Sodium Hydroxide: NaOH

⑻ Soda Ash: Na2CO3

⑼ Ethanol, Ethyl Alcohol: C2H5OH

⑽ Acetic Acid: CH3COOH

⑾ Ammonia: NH3 (Basic Gas)

II. Color and State of Common Substances

1. White Solids: MgO, CaO, NaOH, Ca(OH)2, Iron, Magnesium (Mercury is a silver-white liquid)

2. Black Solids: Graphite, Carbon Particles, Iron Filings, CuO, MnO2, Fe3O4

3. Red Solids: Cu, Fe2O3, Red Phosphorus

4. Solution Color: Solutions containing Cu2+ are blue; solutions containing Fe2+ are light green; solutions containing Fe3+ are brownish yellow; other solutions are generally colorless.

5. Precipitates (Salts and Bases Insoluble in Water): ① Salts: White ↓: CaCO3, BaCO3 (Soluble in Acid) AgCl, BaSO4 (Also Insoluble in Dilute HNO3) ② Bases: Blue ↓: Cu(OH)2 Red-brown ↓: Fe(OH)3 White ↓: Other Bases.


