these的反义词 these的反义词或对应词


Lesson 45: China
1. 关于中国,你了解什么?
“know about”表示了解相关信息。
2. 在中国,人们讲什么语言?
3. 中国的首都城市是哪里?
4. 中国的东方有哪些国家?
5. 关于中国,你还了解其他什么?
6. 中国的国旗是红色的。
7. 这是故宫。
故宫 (the Palace Museum)
长城 (the Great Wall)
Lesson 46: 加拿大和美国
1. 在加拿大,人们说英语和法语。
2. 在旗子上有一片红色的树叶!
3. 国宝级动物。
4. 关于美国你了解多少?
5. 美国的首都城市是华盛顿特区。
城市的首都为“the capital city of...”。
6. 自由女神像 (the Statue of Liberty)
Lesson 47: 英国和澳大利亚
1. 它和美国国旗有同样的颜色。
相同 (the same as...),不同 (be different from...)。
2. 它是伦敦的一个著名的钟塔。
3. 在角落里的小旗帜是英国的国旗。
角落 (in the corner)
4. 袋鼠是澳大利亚的国家级动物之一。
“之一”为 “one of...” ,谓语动词单数。
5. 澳大利亚的首都城市是什么?
6. 跌倒 (fall down)
7. 用……把……建筑起来 (build sth. up with sth.)
8. 冲走,冲跨 (wash away)
9. 我的天啊 (my fair lady)

1. People around the globe speak English as their native language.

as: preposition, indicating the role of something

2. in all corners of the world.
3. Some of these nations are located below China geographically.
located below/west/east of...: in the southern/western/eastern direction of...
4. Eight of these countries are listed below:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • India
  • New Zealand
  • Singapore
  • South Africa
  • the United Kingdom
  • the United States

a list of...: a tabulation of...
5. on the global map.
6. In which direction relative to China are they located?
What direction…. from... in what direction from...?
Using "A is (direction) of B" structure to indicate the relative position.
- What direction is Japan from China?
- It is east of China.
7. Are there other facts you know about these countries?
8. What other nations designate English as an official language?
an official language: a language recognized as a legitimate form of communication by a government
9. Which countries are near China and which ones are distant?
  9.1 be close to...: within a short distance of...

far away: at a significant distance

  9.2 Usage of Pronouns One and Ones:

  • One can only replace singular nouns, while ones can only replace plural nouns.
    • My child didn't enjoy this book. Give her a more captivating one.
  • One or ones must be accompanied by a determiner or modifier, and the referent of the pronoun and the head noun in the replaced phrase may differ.
    • I dislike this book. I'd like a more exciting one.
  • When one or ones appears with a postmodifier, it is usually preceded by the definite article.
    • Our new cassette is more expensive than the one we had previously.

    G. Unit Review

    1. a nation's prominent metropolis.
    2. meeting someone for the first time.
    3. introducing one person to another.
    4. a nation with English as its primary language.
    5. the city that serves as the seat of government.
    6. an animal that receives national recognition.
    7. a symbol that represents a nation.
    8. Festival of lights
    9. Republic Day
    10. Independence Day
    11. a meal or dish that is unique to a specific region.
    12. traditional attire that is peculiar to a culture.
    13. utilizing English to pinpoint locations on a map.
    14. demonstrating contentment in English.
    15. questions that have a specific focus.