wonderful什么意思 of course什么意思


wonderful什么意思 of course什么意思

wonderful什么意思 of course什么意思

wonderful什么意思 of course什么意思

39.Sorry to trouble you. (抱歉打扰你了)。 40.No trouble at all。(一点儿麻烦也没有)。

41.football team 足球队 42.play against 对赛

43.a good player 一名优秀球员 44.be very exciting 令人兴奋

45.the first half of the match 上半场,前半场 46.pass sth. to sb 把某物递给某人

47.run very fast 跑得非常快 48.get into the goal 射进球门

49.be very excited 感到非常兴奋 50.the result of the match 比赛结果

51.invite sb. to a big dinner 邀请某人赴宴

52.near the end of the match 比赛接近尾声 53.catch the ball 接住球

54.pass the hospital 经过医院 55.pass sb.sth.把某物递给某人

56.pass the maths exam 数学考试及格 57.a famous play 著名戏剧

58.put on a short play 上映一出短剧 59.get longer and longer 天气变得越来越热

60.get dark 天色变暗 61.get some letters from my friends 收到朋友的来信

62.get the news 得到消息 63.get to the station 到达车站

64.get home 到家 get there 到达那里 65.have got 有

66.get on well with sb.和某人相处得很好 67.the right answers 正确答案

68.both her parents 她的双亲 69.both of them 他们两个人

70.on both sides of the street 在马路的两侧 71.in both hands 在双手里 用双手

72.move over to the table 移步到餐桌前

73.prepare so much delicious food 准备了如此多的美食

74.help oneself to sth. 自由享用

75.a team from a country school 一支来自农村学校的队伍(球员)

76.1ook like看起来像 77.one of the boys 男孩中的一位

78.a boy in a dirty T-shirt 一个穿着脏兮兮的T恤衫的男孩 79.stop the passs 阻止传球

80.turn to shoot 转身投篮 81.get two more points 再次得到两分

82.in a minute 过了一会儿 83.be all over 全都结束

84.a little better 好一点 85.learn a more important lesson 上了一堂更加重要的课

86.stay in bed for another two days 再卧床两天

87.one by one 一个接一个 88.about school life in England 关于英国学校生活

89.wear a new dress at the party 在聚会上穿着一条新裙子

90.work by day and study by night 日间工作,夜间学习

91.by this time tomorrow 迟至明日此时

92.fly from Beijing to New York 从北京飞往纽约

93.go to school from Monday to Friday 从星期一到星期五上学

94.three weeks from today 算起今天的日子再过三个星期

95.live far away from the school 住得离学校很远

96.come from=be from 来自

97.get a letter from my friend 收到我朋友的一封信

98.like some more fish 喜欢再吃些鱼 99.thank sb. for …为…感谢某人

100.go to the hill with sth. 带东西去爬山 101.come to the top of the hill 来到山顶

101.stay here 呆在这里 102.a good place 一个好地方

103.go faster and faster 走得越来越快 105.more and more children 越来越多的孩子们

106.come along=come with sb.跟上来 107.race down the hill 比赛跑到山脚下

108.skate on the lake 在湖上溜冰 109.come on 跟上来 快点,加油

Phrase Replacements:

110.Place beneath the festive tree
111.At that precise moment


114.A picturesque lake ideal for ice skating

116.Ascend the hill
117.Exercise caution

118.Review notes
119.Descend the hill

120.Continue skating atop the lake
121.Traverse in a circular path
122.Return to the vicinity

124.Comparable to
125.To the extent that

126.Excessively to perform
127.On a Friday afternoon
128.Make a right-hand turn
129.Et cetera

130.Requires an assortment of items
131.The time has arrived for
132.Apply diligent effort in preparation for
133.Diligently study the English language

135.Pause to perform


140.A group of individuals
141.Return home on foot
142.Enter the room discreetly
143.Embark on a medical career

145.Approximately seven o'clock this morning
146.Thirty minutes
147.Ninety minutes

148.Engage in football
149.Play melodies on the piano
151.Submerge oneself in the lake

152.Every child
153.Circumnavigate the lake
155.Repeatedly call out

156.Venture out onto the fragile ice
158.Reach the road

159.Address in a loud voice
160.Secure a person's release
161.Make an attempt at
162.Procure an extensive ladder

163.Traverse the roadway
164.A spacious residence
165.Enter the residence
166.Emerge with

167.Accelerate your pace
168.Return to the lake with
169.Lower the ladder
170.Scan the surroundings

171.Proceed cautiously along the ladder
172.Within the opening
173.Immediately upon

175.Secure a firm grip on the ladder
176.Commence pulling
177.Return to one's abode
178.Exceed the stipulated time

179.Disembark gradually
181.Provide substantial assistance in learning English
182.Transport these containers into the classroom
183.Restore the classroom to a state of cleanliness

184.Observe the vibrant illumination overhead
185.Soar above the mountain peak
186.On a global scale
187.Exceeding one hundred individuals

188.Exit the classroom with haste
189.Plant numerous trees in the vicinity of the school
190.Assume the responsibility of caring for
191.Direct one's gaze towards

192.Gaze outwards from the window
193.Exhibit an expression of concern
194.Consult the dictionary for the definition
195.Evolve into a modern metropolis
196.Situated at the core of Beijing

197. in the past 在过去
198. declare the founding of the new China 宣布中华人民共和国成立
199. have a wonderful view of the city 拥有城市美景
200. stand on top of the hill 站在山顶
201. 7,300 七千三百
202. 4,304 四千三百零四
203. 56,432 五万六千四百三十二
204. 768,321 七十六万八千三百二十一
205. 1,768,321 一百万七十六万八千三百二十一
206. Beijing is the capital of the People's Republic of China. 北京是中国人民共和国的首都。
207. on October the first, nineteen forty-nine 在 1949 年 10 月 1 日
208. to the north of 位于…北边
209. at a quarter past seven 七点一刻
210. talk about his past 谈论他的过去
211. go to see a film with his parents 和他的父母一起去看电影
212. at the headmaster's office 在校长办公室
213. almost a year 几乎一年
214. the classroom of Class Five, Grade Three 三年级五班教室
215. three of the students in this class 这个班的三名学生
216. a piece of cake 一块蛋糕
217. a telephone number 电话号码
218. be glad to see sb. 高兴见到某人
219. speak to sb. in such a way 用这种方法对某人说话
220. come in with some test papers in one's hand 手里拿着一些试卷走进教室
221. one of the largest squares 最大的广场之一
222. in the world 在世界上
223. on the west side of the square 在广场的西边
224. in the center of the square 在广场中央
225. the afternoon of Monday 星期一下午
226. especially on holidays 特别是在假期
227. most of them 他们中许多人
228. on fine days 在晴天
229. take pictures 拍照
230. from east to west 从东到西
231. far from 遥远
232. full of 充满
233. agree with sb. 同意某人的意见 英文程度副词用法解析及练习

难点: 如何区分和使用意义相近的程度副词 pretty, fairly, rather 和 quite?


pretty 多用于口语, 语气较为 informal.
fairly 通常修饰褒义形容词。
rather 可以修饰褒义或贬义形容词。
quite 多修饰褒义形容词和绝对性形容词。


It’s fairly/quite interesting (warm, good, etc.). 这相当有趣 (暖和,好等)。
It’s rather cold (bad, difficult, etc.). 这真冷 (糟糕,难等)。
The bottle is quite empty. 这瓶子完全空了。

程度区分: not good → fairly good → quite good → rather good → very good


1. fairly 和 rather 修饰同一个词时,意思有区别。
fairly easy 较容易(难度适宜)
rather easy 太容易(缺乏难度)
2. rather 和 quite 可放在动词之前。
I rather like this colour. 我倒很喜欢这颜色。
She quite likes him. 她确实喜欢他。
3. rather 和 quite 都可以修饰名词, 但若名词前没有形容词,则必须放在冠词之前。
He made quite an effort, but he failed in the end. 她做了很大努力,可最终还是没成功。
It's rather a shame that they have to work on weekends. 他们周末还要工作,这有点不公平。



1. _________ useful work they have done!

A. What B. How C. What a D. What an

2. His school backpack _________ by a woman ten minutes ago.

A. took away B. was taken away C. were take away D. had taken away

3. He _________ in his English Test Paper. His teacher was very angry with him.

A. makes some mistakes B. make a mistake C. made few mistakes D. made many mistakes

4. The first thing is _________ the teacher.

A. greeting B. to greet C. greeted D. being greeted

5. We never visit a friend's house without ________

A. call B. to call C. calling D. calls

介词 except 和 besides 的用法区别


You're not supposed to eat anything with your hands except bread, not even fruit! 除了面包,你不可以用手吃任何东西,即使是水果也不行。

疑点: except 作为介词,表示 “除了……之外(不包括在内)”。

He gets up early every day except Sunday. 除星期日外,他每天早起。

难点: besides 和 except 都可以表示“除了……”,区别在于:

except 表示 “除了……之外(不包括在内)”, 其他都包括
besides 表示 “除了……之外(还包括)”


Except Tom, we all went to the Great Wall. 除了汤姆之外,我们所有人都去长城了。(汤姆一人没去)
Besides Tom, Li Lei went to the Great Wall. 除了汤姆之外还有李蕾去长城了。(汤姆和李蕾都去了。)