sharp怎么读 scrap book


| 数字 | 读法 |
| 0 | zero |
| 1 | one |
| 2 | two |
| 3 | three |
| 4 | four |
| 5 | five |
| 6 | six |
| 7 | seven |
| 8 | eight |
| 9 | nine |
| 10 | ten |
| 11 | eleven |
| 12 | twelve |
| 13 | thirteen |
| 14 | fourteen |
| 15 | fifteen |
| 16 | sixteen |
| 17 | seventeen |
| 18 | eighteen |
| 19 | nineteen |
| 20 | twenty |
| 30 | thirty |
| 40 | forty |
| 50 | fifty |
| 60 | sixty |
| 70 | seventy |
| 80 | eighty |
| 90 | ninety |
| 100 | one hundred |
| 200 | two hundred |
| 300 | three hundred |
| 400 | four hundred |
| 500 | five hundred |
| 1,000 | one thousand |
| 1,000,000 | one million |
| 1,000,000,000 | one billion |
| 数字 | 读法 |
| first | 第(1) |
| second | 第(2) |
| third | 第(3) |
| fourth | 第(4) |
| fifth | 第(5) |
| sixth | 第(6) |
| seventh | 第(7) |
| eighth | 第(8) |
| ninth | 第(9) |
| tenth | 第(10) |
| twentieth | 第(20) |
| thirtieth | 第(30) |
| fortieth | 第(40) |
| fiftieth | 第(50) |
| sixtieth | 第(60) |
| seventieth | 第(70) |
| eightieth | 第(80) |
| ninetieth | 第(90) |
| (one)hundredth | 第(100) |
| thousandth | 第(1000) |
| 分数 | 读法 |
| 1/2 | one-half |
| 1/3 | one-third |
| 3/4 | three-fourths |
| 1/5 | one-fifth |
| 2/5 | two-fifths |
| 1/10 | one-tenth |
| 1/100 | one-hundredth |
| 1/1000 | one-thousandth |

1/10000 : one hundred thousandth

1%: one percent

0.5%: zero point five percent

0.46%: zero point four six percent

2.05: two point zero five

6.003: six point zero zero three

78.12: seventy-eight point one two

Date Formats

Dates are written and spoken slightly differently,

for example "October 1st" can be written as October 1, October 1st,

1 October, 1st October, (the) 1st of October, etc.,

and the month can be abbreviated (e.g. Oct. 1, 1 Oct.),

but in spoken language there are usually only two ways of saying these: October (the) first or the first of October.

[Note] When a date and day are together, the day usually comes first. For example: He arrived on Friday, May 10.




Monday; Tuesday; Wednesday;

Thursday; Friday; Saturday; Sunday

Time Expressions

There are various ways to express time in English, including using AM/PM and prepositions.

(1) Using AM/PM.

Eight AM (a.m.) - nine PM (p.m.)

Six six - six thirty two

Eight o'clock

(2) Using Prepositions.

A quarter to nine

Five past seven

Six to eight

Half past six

(3) Phrases for expressing on the hour.

(At) 11 o'clock sharp

(At) 11 o'clock on the hour

(At) 11 o'clock on the strike

12 noon

12 midnight

[Note: 12:22 can be said as twelve twenty-two, twenty-two past twelve (British), twenty-two after twelve (American).

1:15 can be said as one fifteen, a quarter past one (British), a quarter after one (American).

8:50 can be said as eight fifty, ten to nine (British), ten before nine (American).

1:40 can be said as one forty, twenty to two (British), twenty before two (American).

"Half an hour early" can be expressed using half an hour early; thirty minutes early; early by half an hour; half an hour ahead of time; half an hour ahead of schedule

Currency Expressions

British Currency: penny / pence, pound (£)

£20.50: twenty pounds fifty pence, or more simply twenty fifty

American Currency:

1 dollar

1 dollar = 100 cents

(S | 1.00 = one dollar)

(S | 2.00 = two dollars)

25 cents - 1 quarter, 10 cents - 1 dime

5 dollars - 1 nickel, 1 cent - 1 penny

S | 15.95: fifteen dollars ninety-five cents, or fifteen ninety-five.

[Note: Normal prices are expressed as: regular price, normal price.

Good prices or bargains are expressed as: a good buy, a better buy, an excellent price, a good price/ bargain.

Expensive prices are expressed as: dear, expensive, more expensive, steep.

Low prices are expressed as: cheap, inexpensive, bargain price, less expensive.

Sales prices are expressed as: sale price, on sale, garage sale, Christmas sale, special price.


  • 折扣:discount
  • 一半:half
  • 双倍:double
  • 折断:cut off
  • 扣除:knock off
  • 两倍于:twice as much as
  • 划掉:cross off