保持沉默英语 保持沉默英语remain


保持沉默英语 保持沉默英语remain

在英语学习中,"keep" 是一个非常重要的词汇,其使用非常广泛。它的含义可以从两大类来看,一方面作为系动词,另一方面作为行为动词。作为系动词时,"keep" 后面可以接形容词、副词、名词或介词短语作表语,这些用法是考生必须掌握的基础。

1. "keep" 的基本搭配用法:

当"keep" 作为系动词使用时,我们常见的搭配包括:

keep fit (形容词)

keep away from sb (副词)

I think we shall keep friends (名词)

keep in touch with (介短)

行为动词的意义更为丰富。其本义为“保持、保留、保存”,这些意义可以引申为“经营管理、照顾养活、遵守维护、庆祝以及让某事物继续处于某种状态”等。在这些引申义中,"keep" 还经常用于以下搭配:

keep your eyes open (形容词)

I'm sorry to keep you up so late (副词)

That kept her a student (名词)

Keep your nose out of my affairs (副词)

the fire burning (现分)

keep your eyes shut (过分)

2. "keep" 的成语用法:

作为成语中的常用词,"keep" 也有很多固定搭配,以下是一些常见的:

keep a close watch on (密切注意)

keep a firm hold on (牢牢控制)

keep abreast of (跟上)

keep an account (记账)

keep an eye on (照看)

keep after (紧紧追赶)

keep at (坚持不懈)

keep at a distance (保持距离)

keep away (远离)

keep back (隐瞒)

keep body and soul together (维持活命)

keep company (与某人交往)

keep down (控制)

keep faith with (守信用)

keep from (阻止)

keep sb. from doing sth. (阻止某人做某事)

keep sb. doing sth. (让某人不停地做某事)

keep going (继续下去)

keep in (呆在家里)

keep in mind (记住)

keep in with (和某人保持友好关系)

keep off (避开)

keep...off (使...避开)

keep on doing sth. (继续做某事)

keep doing sth. (使状态或过程继续)


1. 以上两个句型后都接动态动词,例如:talking, working, writing,不接静态动词如:sitting, sleeping。

2. 表示“间断性动作”时,两种句型可以通用。例如:Why does she keep (on) giggling?

3. 这些句型之后不可接不定式。

keep oneself to oneself (不交际)

keep one's mind on (集中注意力)

keep one's word (信守诺言)

keep out (挡住)

keep out of (不牵涉)

keep pace (跟上)

keep silence (保持沉默)

keep time (守时)

keep to (坚持)

keep to oneself (不告诉别人)

keep together (在一起)

keep up (维持)

keep up with (跟上)

保持沉默英语 保持沉默英语remain