silly怎么读 1~20英语单词怎么读


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silly怎么读 1~20英语单词怎么读

What distinguishes "gifted" from "smart?"

【译】“天才”和“聪明”有何不同?【单词】gifted ['gif-tid]['ɡɪftɪd] adj. 有天赋的;有才华的【单词】smart [smahrt][smɑːt] adj. 聪明的;敏捷的;出色的

Although people often describe me as gifted, I feel like a fool, believing that having a gift just brings about higher expectations.

【译】尽管别人常说我有天赋,我却觉得自己像个傻瓜,认为天赋不过是带来更高期望的诅咒。【单词】fool ['fool][fuːl] n. 傻瓜【单词】curse [kurs][kɜːs] n. 诅咒;咒骂【单词】expectations 原型:expectation [ek-spek-'tey-shuhn][ˌekspek'teɪʃn] n. 预期;期望

To me, being gifted means that you have a natural aptitude for certain subjects or talents, allowing you to excel effortlessly in those areas.

【译】对我而言,天才意味着你对某些科目或才能具有自然的天赋,从而可以轻松出类拔萃。【单词】aptitude ['ap-ti-tood]['æptɪtjuːd] n. 天赋;才能【单词】effortlessly ['ef-urt-lis-lee]['ˈɛfərtləsli] adv. 不费力地;轻松地

This natural ease often sets you apart from others in executing tasks.

【译】这种自然的轻松感使你在执行任务时常常优于他人。【单词】execute ['ek-si-kyoot]['eksɪkjuːt] vt. 执行;实行;完成【单词】tasks [tæsk] n. 任务

On the other hand, being smart involves learning and developing understanding to reach a higher level of comprehension.

【译】而聪明则是指通过学习和提升理解能力,达到更高层次的认识。【单词】comprehension [kom-pri-'hen-shuhn][ˌkɒmprɪˈhɛnʃən] n. 理解力;领悟

My perspective is that being gifted refers to an innate ability to grasp a wide range of subjects with ease.

【译】我认为,天才是指天生就能轻松掌握各种学科的能力。【单词】innate [i-'neɪt][ɪˈneɪt] adj. 天生的;先天的

In contrast, being smart means having a keen understanding in a specific area of study.

【译】与之相对,聪明意味着在特定的学习领域中具备敏锐的理解力。【单词】keen [kiːn][kiːn] adj. 敏锐的;热切的

silly怎么读 1~20英语单词怎么读

During my youth, I was often called gifted because most subjects seemed easy to me.


However, I don't consider myself smart.


When introduced to the slope-intercept formula, I struggled to comprehend it despite my natural aptitude.

【译】当接触到斜率截距公式时,尽管我有天赋,仍然很难理解它。【单词】slope [slohp][sləʊp] n. 斜率【单词】intercept ['in-ter-sept][ˌɪntə'sept] n. 截距【单词】formula ['fawr-myuh-luh]['fɔːmjələ] n. 公式

Even now, I find it challenging to translate a numeric equation into a graphical representation.

【译】即便到现在,我也发现把一个数字方程转化为图表仍然很困难。【单词】equation [i-'kwey-zhuhn][ɪˈkweɪʒən] n. 方程式【单词】graph [graf][ɡræf] n. 图表

I differentiate them as "potential" and "achievement."

【译】我将它们区分为“潜力”和“成就”。【单词】achievement [uh-'cheev-muhnt][ə'tʃiːvmənt] n. 成就;成果

Being gifted suggests a natural ability to learn, whereas being smart means having acquired considerable knowledge.

【译】天才意味着具备自然的学习能力,而聪明则是指已经掌握了大量知识。【单词】acquired [uh-'kwahyd][ə'kwaɪəd] adj. 习得的;获得的

So, how can one utilize this potential?


Specifically, for you?

【译】特别是对你来说呢?【单词】Specifically [spi-'sif-ik-lee][spə'sɪfɪkli] adv. 特别地;明确地

There isn't a single definitive answer.


If you aim to leverage your gift, consider these strategies:


Do not become complacent with your past achievements, meaning you should not rest on your laurels.

【译】不要对过去的成就感到满足,也就是说不要停留在荣誉上。【单词】complacent [kuhm-'pley-suhnt][kəmˈpleɪsənt] adj. 自满的【单词】laurels ['lɔr-əlz] n. 荣誉

Continue to seek knowledge and strive for self-improvement.

【译】持续地寻求知识,并致力于自我提升。【单词】self-improvement [ˌself ɪmˈpruːvmənt] n. 自我提升

Constantly challenge yourself academically.
