tidying tidy翻译


#头条抄书打卡# 第189天


六年级上 Tt

take 乘坐,照,开 You can take the number eight bus to get there. 你们可以乘坐八路公交车去那里。We took a lot of photos. 我们拍了许多照片。

tidying tidy翻译

She always takes the bus to save money. 为了节省开支,她总是搭乘公交。

take a trip 去旅行 We're planning to take a trip. 我们打算去旅行。

tidying tidy翻译

take good care of 照顾好 We need to take good care of young children. 我们需要好好照顾孩子们。

tidying tidy翻译

Ensure you take good care of your health. 你要好好照顾自己的健康。

taste 品尝 May I taste a pear? 我可以尝一个梨吗?

tidying tidy翻译

This is the best wine I have ever tasted. 这是我喝过的最美味的酒。

teach 教 She teaches math. 她教授数学。

tidying tidy翻译

It’s important for parents to teach table manners. 父母应该教孩子餐桌礼仪。

tell 告诉 Ann and Ken informed Charley that he also needs to do his chores. 安和肯告诉查理,他也需要做家务。

tidying tidy翻译

I always read a story to my daughters before bed. 我总是在女儿们睡前给她们讲故事。

tidy 整理 I’m tidying up my room. 我正在整理房间。

He has a well-organized mind. 他的思维条理清晰。

turn on 打开 Make sure to turn it on and check again. 确保你把它打开后再检查一遍。

His usually calm dog suddenly turned on him and bit his leg. 他平时温顺的狗突然发作,咬了他的腿。

table tennis 乒乓球 He enjoys playing table tennis. 他喜欢打乒乓球。

themselves 他们自己 The kids introduced themselves. 孩子们自我介绍了。

They painted the house themselves. 他们自己粉刷了房子。

The Great Wall 长城 What is the length of the Great Wall? 长城有多长?

tourist 旅行者 He frequently assists tourists in finding their way. 他常常帮助游客找路。

London is crowded with tourists in summer. 夏季伦敦游客众多。

twin 双胞胎 Alice and her sister are twins. 爱丽丝和她的妹妹是双胞胎。

They are so similar that it’s hard to tell them apart. 他们如此相似,以至于很难分辨。

traffic 交通 Turn left at the traffic signal. 在交通信号灯处左转。

There’s typically heavy traffic at this time. 这段时间通常交通繁忙。

traffic rule 交通规则 It violates the traffic rules. 这违反了交通规则。

He received a fine for breaking the traffic rules. 他因违反交通规则而被罚款。

traffic light 交通信号灯 Pay attention to the traffic lights. 注意交通信号灯。

trash 垃圾 I take out the trash twice a week. 我每周要倒两次垃圾。

People should avoid dumping trash in public spaces. 人们应避免在公共场所倾倒垃圾。

tool 工具 My grandfather enjoys making tools as a hobby. 我爷爷的爱好是制作工具。

toy 玩具 Peter collects toy cars as a hobby. 彼得的爱好是收集玩具汽车。

triangle 三角形 Cut the sandwiches into triangular shapes. 把三明治切成三角形。

The sum of the angles in a triangle is 180 degrees. 三角形的角度总和为180度。

tip 有用的建议 Here are some helpful tips. 这里有一些有用的建议。

This guide contains many practical tips. 这本指南包含了很多实用的建议。

toast 烤面包片 The postman is enjoying a piece of toast. 邮递员正在吃一片烤面包片。

thing 物品 There are many things to see. 有很多物品可以看。

She’s such a charming little thing. 她是一个非常迷人的小东西。

Thanksgiving 感恩节 I composed a poem about Thanksgiving. 我写了一首感恩节的诗。

tenth 第十 October is the tenth month of the year. 十月是一年的第十个月。

A dime is one-tenth of a dollar. 一角银币是一美元的十分之一。

twelfth 第十二 December is the twelfth month and the final one of the year. 十二月是今年的第十二个月,也是最后一个月。

Twelfth Night 第十二夜

thousand 一千,千个 It stretches ten thousand miles. 它有一万里长。

Thousand Islands 千岛湖

twice 两次 I brush my teeth twice daily. 我每天刷两次牙。

I am more than twice his age. 我的年龄超过了他的两倍。

this morning 今天上午 We plan to visit the Great Wall this morning. 我们计划今天上午去长城。

this afternoon 今天下午 What are your plans this afternoon? 今天下午你有什么安排?

I have a dental appointment this afternoon. 我今天下午有个牙医预约。

this evening 今天晚上 What are your plans for this evening? 今天晚上你打算做什么?

I went bowling this evening. 今晚我去打保龄球了。

tonight 今晚 I plan to visit my grandparents tonight. 今晚我打算去看望爷爷奶奶。

Let’s go dancing tonight. 我们今晚去跳舞吧。

tomorrow 明天 I will visit the bookstore tomorrow. 明天我打算去书店。

Will you still love me tomorrow? 明天你是否还会爱我?

thirsty 口渴 I feel thirsty. 我感觉口渴。

Young people should have a thirst for knowledge. 青年人应当渴望知识。

together 一起 Families are together. 家庭成员在一起。

They traveled together. 他们一起去旅行。