arrange arrange是及物动词吗


Here's a refined summary of the verb "arrange" with clear examples and explanations:

Arrange /əˈreɪndʒ/

Part of Speech

: Verb


: To organize, plan, or put things in a certain order. It can also mean to prepare or make arrangements for something, such as events or meetings.

1. To Arrange (as a Transitive Verb)

a) Using a Noun or Pronoun as an Object


Can I arrange an appointment for Monday?


We need to arrange a meeting to discuss the budget.


She arranged everything with her customary efficiency.


b) Using an Infinitive as an Object


I have arranged to meet my friend tomorrow.


They arranged to start early.


c) Using a That-Clause as an Object

(Often with the subjunctive mood)


I've arranged that we can borrow their car.


They arranged that the meeting should be put off to Saturday.


d) Do Not Use Double Objects



Please arrange an interview with the workers for us.




Please arrange us an interview with the workers.

2. To Arrange (as an Intransitive Verb)

a) With Prepositions


We must arrange about that.


She arranged for the shipping of her furniture to England.


b) Common Phrasal Structures

Arrange for sb (sth) to do sth


The hotel manager will arrange for a babysitter.


We arranged for a car to pick us up at the airport.


3. To Arrange (to Organize or Order)

a) Refers to Organizing or Ordering Items


The books are arranged alphabetically by author.


He arranged the documents in neat piles.


The room is arranged very attractively.


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