smooth译 contractions翻译


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smooth译 contractions翻译


【译】Why does water boil more aggressively when you touch the bottom of the pan with a spoon?【单词】boil [boil][bɔɪl] v. 沸腾;煮沸【单词】aggressively [uh-'gres-iv-lee][ə'ɡresɪvli] adv. 强烈地【单词】touch [tuhch][tʌtʃ] vt. 触摸;接触【单词】bottom ['bot-uh m]['bɒtəm] n. 底部;底端【单词】pan

[pæn] n. 平底锅;盘子【单词】spoon [spoon][spuːn] n. 匙;调羹


【译】You are creating a nucleation site and allowing bubbles to more easily form.【单词】creating 原型:create [kree-'eyt][kri'eɪt] v. 创造;形成【单词】nucleation [ˌnjuːklɪ'eɪʃən] n. 成核现象【单词】site [sahyt][saɪt] n. 地点【单词】bubbles 原型:bubble ['buhb-uhl]['bʌbl] n. 气泡


【译】Clean water can have difficulty coming to a boil if the container it is in is very smooth and uniform.【单词】difficulty ['dif-i-kuhl-tee, -kuhl-tee]['dɪfɪkəlti] n. 困难【单词】container [kuh n-'tey-ner][kə'teɪnə] n. 容器【单词】smooth [smooth][smuːð] adj. 光滑的【单词】uniform ['yoo-nuh-fawrm]['juːnɪfɔːm] adj. 一致的


【译】Adding a material different than the container, such as a spoon or piece of spaghetti, to the hottest region of the pot (nearest the stove), gives the water an irregular area where bubbles can more easily form.【短语】such as 比如;例句:I know many of them, such as John, Peter, and Tom. 我认识他们当中的很多人,例如约翰、彼得和汤姆。【单词】spaghetti [spuh-'get-ee][spə'ɡeti] n. 意大利细面条【单词】hottest 原型:hot 形容词最高级:最热的

【单词】region ['ree-juhn]['riːdʒən] n. 地区;区域【单词】pot [pot][pɒt] n. 罐;壶【单词】stove [stoʊv] n. 炉子【单词】irregular [ih-'reg-yuh-ler][ɪ'reɡjələ] adj. 不规则的


【译】In extreme cases, water can become superheated and the smallest vibration or something falling into the container can cause it to explosively come to a boil and geyser out of the container.【短语】fall into 落入;例句:We rescued the boy who fell into the river. 我们救起了掉进河里的小孩。【单词】extreme [ik-'streem][ɪk'striːm] adj. 极端的【单词】superheated [soo-per-'heet][ˌsuːpə'hiːtɪd] 过热的【单词】vibration [vahy-'brey-shuhn][vaɪ'breɪʃn] n. 震动【单词】explosively [ik-'sploʊ-siv-lee][ɪk'spləʊsɪvli] adv. 爆炸地【单词】geyser ['gahy-zer]['ɡiːzə] n. 间歇泉

smooth译 contractions翻译


【译】A similar effect can be seen in candymaking.【单词】supersaturated [suːpər'sætʃəreɪtɪd] 过饱和的【单词】sugar ['shoo g-er]['ʃʊɡə] n. 糖【单词】solution [suh-'loo-shuhn][sə'luːʃn] n. 溶液【单词】liquid ['lik-wid]['lɪkwɪd] adj. 液体的


【译】Drop a few grains of solid sugar into the pot or scratch the side of the pot with a spoon and the whole thing suddenly crystallizes because you've provided nucleation sites.【单词】grains 原型:grain [greyn][ɡreɪn] n. 颗粒【单词】solid ['sol-id]['sɒlɪd] adj. 固体的【单词】scratch [skrach][skrætʃ] v. 刮


【译】Nucleation sites are where the change of state (liq->solid or liq->gas) occurs.【单词】occurs 原型:occur [uh-'kur][ə'kɜː] vi. 发生【单词】exactly [ig-'zakt-lee][ɪɡ'zæktli] adv. 精确地【单词】slight [slahyt][slaɪt] adj. 轻微的【单词】microscopic [mahy-kruh-'skop-ik][ˌmʌɪkrə'skɒpɪk] adj. 微观的


【译】When everything is exactly the same, it can be hard for such a site to appear.【单词】exactly [ig-'zakt-lee][ɪɡ'zæktli] adv. 完全地【单词】slight [slahyt][slaɪt] adj. 轻微的【单词】microscopic [mahy-kruh-'skop-ik][ˌmʌɪkrə'skɒpɪk] 微观的【单词】impurities [im-pyoor-i-teez][ɪm'pjʊərɪtiz] n. 杂质