source是什么意思车上 source是开关吗


#每日词汇学习打卡# 第295天


九年级上册 Aa

a great deal of phr. 大量的(用于修饰不可数名词)

That shipment of glassware suffered a great deal of damage. 那批玻璃器皿损坏严重。

source是什么意思车上 source是开关吗

a number of phr. 一些;许多

There are a number of tasks I need to complete today. 我今天有许多任务要完成。

source是什么意思车上 source是开关吗

absent adj. 缺席的


How many students are absent from class today? 今天有多少学生缺课了?

source是什么意思车上 source是开关吗


according to phr. 根据

The task was completed according to her directions. 这项任务是按照她的指示完成的。

source是什么意思车上 source是开关吗

Words in dictionaries are arranged according to their spelling. 在字典中,单词按照字母顺序排列。

accountant n. 会计


The accountant calculated the totals. 会计师计算了总额。

source是什么意思车上 source是开关吗

Certified Public Accountant 注册会计师;会计师;执业会计师

achievement n. 成就



Congratulations on your achievement! 祝贺你取得的成就!

source是什么意思车上 source是开关吗

action film n. 动作片

During the holiday, I watched an action film featuring Michelle Yeoh. 假期里我看了一部杨紫琼主演的动作片。

actor n. 演员

The director watched the actor from the dolly. 导演从摄影车上观察演员。

Best Actor Award 最佳男演员奖

actress n. 女演员

She received an Oscar nomination for best supporting actress. 她获得了奥斯卡最佳女配角提名。

admire v. 钦佩


Although I disagree with her, I admire her commitment to her principles. 虽然我不同意她的看法,但我钦佩她坚持原则的决心。


african adj. 非洲的

Cowpeas are a key crop in many African nations. 黑眼豆是许多非洲国家的重要作物。

african elephant 非洲象

african American n. 非洲裔美国人

Social service roles were a significant factor in African American advancement. 社会服务职位是非裔美国人地位提升的重要因素。

against prep. 对抗;反对;违反


The police have launched a major crackdown against drug traffickers. 警方已发起一场针对毒贩的大规模行动。

agree with sb phr. 同意某人(的观点)

I agree with you to a certain extent. 在某种程度上,我同意你的看法。

Spicy food doesn’t agree with me. 辛辣食物不适合我。

all-time adj. 历史性的,空前的

Unemployment reached an all-time high of 3 million. 失业人数创下300万的历史新高。

aloud adv. 大声地


She sobbed aloud when she broke down. 她在崩溃时大声哭泣。

He read the poem aloud. 他朗读了这首诗。

although conj. 尽管

Although it was sunny, it wasn’t very warm. 尽管阳光明媚,但气温并不高。

Although crab is delicious, it is quite filling. 螃蟹虽然美味,但却很容易让人感到饱。

amazed adj. 惊讶的

His extensive knowledge of Colorado history amazed us. 他对科罗拉多历史的深厚知识令我们惊叹。

American adj. 美国的;美洲的

She eventually became a fan of American country music. 最终,她成为了美国乡村音乐的爱好者。

american ginseng 西洋参

ancient adj. 古代的,古老的


We were awed by the remnants of an ancient structure. 我们对古老建筑的遗址感到敬畏。

angel n. 天使

Mom always calls me an angel. 妈妈总是称我为天使。

She is as lovely as an angel. 她可爱得如同天使一般。

animal sign phr. 生肖

My animal sign is the rabbit. 我的生肖是兔子。

animal-lover n. 动物爱好者

I’m not an animal-lover because I’m allergic to animal fur. 我不是动物爱好者,因为我对动物毛发过敏。

announce v. 宣布


He is expected to announce his retirement later today. 预计他会在今天晚些时候宣布退休消息。

announce east and strike west 声东击西

appear v. 出现

Such questions frequently appear in exams. 此类问题在考试中经常出现。


appearance n. 外貌;出现


His unexpected appearance took me by surprise. 他突然的出现让我感到意外。

arrest n. 逮捕

The suspect was put under arrest after incriminating evidence was found. 在发现犯罪证据后,嫌疑犯被逮捕。

The police arrested the burglar. 警察逮捕了窃贼。

art form n. 艺术形式

Cross talks are a popular art form appreciated by many. 相声是一种受到广泛喜爱的艺术形式。

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