8用英语怎么说 8的英语说法有哪些




What time is it?

What is the time?

Do you have the time?

Do you know what time it is?


Can you tell me what time it is, please?

Could you tell me the time, please?


What time…?



1、整点的回答方式,格式通常为It is/it's + 数字 + (o'clock/…:00)。省略o'clock的用法相对随意,例如:

It is five o’clock. (5:00) 或 It's five.

It is ten o’clock. (10:00) 或 It's ten.

It is seven o’clock. (07:00) 或 It's seven.

It is one o’clock. (01:00) 或 It's one.

2、半点的回答,常用格式是It is half past + 数字,数字 + thirty 的说法较为非正式,例如:

It is half past eleven. (11:30) 或 eleven thirty.

It is half past seven. (07:30) 或 seven thirty.

It is half past one. (01:30) 或 one thirty.

3、一刻钟的回答方式,通常用It is (a) quarter past…(某个小时过一刻钟)和It is (a) quarter to…(某个小时前一刻钟),例如:

It is (a) quarter past eight. (8:15) 或 eight fifteen.

It is (a) quarter to three. (02:45) 或 two forty-five.

It is (a) quarter past twelve. (12:15) 或 twelve fifteen.


a、It is (it’s)… minutes past/to…,例如:

It’s five minutes to nine. (08:55)

It’s three minutes past seven. (07:03)

It is nine minutes to three. (2:51)

It’s eight minutes past one. (01:08)

b、It’s + hour + minutes,例如:

It’s eight fifty-five. (08:55)

It’s seven thirteen. (07:13)

It is two fifty-one. (2:51)

It’s one oh eight. (01:08)


3 a.m. = Three o’clock in the morning = 早上三点

3 p.m. = Three o’clock in the afternoon = 下午三点
