1. 在学业上取得进步
Make steady progress in studies.
2. 学业表现优异
Get along well with study and achieve excellent results.
3. 在某方面获得成功
Succeed in a particular aspect.
4. 积极参与课堂活动
Take an active part in classroom activities.
5. 全心投入学习
Put one's heart into learning.
1. 检查学生作业情况
Examine the students' homework regularly.
2. 仔细批改学生作业
Grade the students' homework meticulously.
3. 与某人相处融洽
Get on well with a particular person.
4. 对学生和颜悦色
Be gentle and friendly towards students.
5. 对学生严格要求
Be strict with students in their studies.
6. 对工作要求严格
Be strict in one's work.
7. 表扬学生的优秀表现
Praise students for their outstanding performance.
8. 培养学生良好的学习习惯
Try to cultivate students' good study habits.
9. 使课堂生动有趣
Make the lessons lively and engaging.
1. 周末野餐
Have a picnic on the weekend.
2. 举办运动会
Hold a sports meeting successfully.
3. 为某事做好准备
Get everything ready for an event or activity.
4. 享受家庭旅游的乐趣
Enjoy a fun family trip.
5. 外出远足
Go for an outing and enjoy nature.
6. 游览浙美景
Explore the scenic spots in Zhejiang.
1. 获取信息了解某事
Get information about something.
2. 表达自己的思想感情
Express personal thoughts and feelings.
3. 向某人解释某事
Explain something to a person.
4. 收到某人的来信
Receive a letter from someone.