1. 《静夜思》【唐】李白
英文翻译:Bright moonlight shines before my bed, casting doubts if it's frost on the ground. Looking up, the moon fills my sight; looking down, homesickness fills my mind.
2. 《登鹳雀楼》【唐】王之涣
英文翻译:As the sun sinks behind the mountain, the Yellow River flows into the sea. To see a thousand miles around, you must climb to a higher floor.
3. 《春晓》【唐】孟浩然
英文翻译:I slept in spring unaware of the dawn, hearing birds crying everywhere. After a night of wind and rain, how many flowers are fallen I wonder.
4. 《相思》【唐】王维
英文翻译:Red beans grow in the southern land, how many branches sprout in spring? Please gather them for me, they are a symbol of my love and longing.