第十二英文 1到100的英语单词表


以下是“too + adj./adv. + to do sth.”句型的双语一百句示例:

1. 这本书太厚了,难以一口气读完。 This book is too thick to read in one go.

2. 这道题太复杂了,让人无从下手。 This problem is too complex to solve without a clue.

3. 这座山太高了,难以攀登。 The mountain is too high to climb.

4. 这个问题的答案太不明显了,很难发现。 The answer to this question is too subtle to find.

5. 他的速度太慢了,难以赶上其他运动员。 His speed is too slow to catch up with other athletes.

6. 她的歌声太优美了,难以忘怀。 Her singing voice is too beautiful to forget.

7. 这次旅行太令人疲惫了,几乎无法享受其中。 This trip is too exhausting to enjoy.

8. 这个问题太容易让人分心,难以集中注意力。 This question is too distracting to focus on.

9. 今天的天气太热了,无法出门散步。 Today's weather is too hot to go out for a walk.

10. 这条河太深了,游泳需要技巧和勇气。 This river is too deep to swim without skill and courage.


91. 这道菜太辣了,让我的嘴巴受不了。 This dish is too spicy for my mouth to handle.

92. 这部电影的情节太曲折了,让人欲罢不能。 The plot of this movie is too twisty and turns to put down.

93. 这间房子的租金太贵了,负担不起。 The rent for this house is too high to afford.

94. 他的声音太低沉了,听不清楚他在说什么。 His voice is too deep to hear what he's saying.

95. 这部手机的屏幕太大了,拿着很不方便。 The screen of this phone is too big to hold and use conveniently.

96. 他的字迹太潦草了,难以辨认。 His writing is too scrawled to read.

97. 这部电影的节奏太快了,难以理解剧情。 The pace of this movie is too fast to follow the plot.

98. 她的笑声太爽朗了,让人心情愉悦。 Her laughter is so cheerful that it makes people feel happy.

99. 这个问题太重要了,不能轻视。 This question is too important to be taken lightly.

100. 这次比赛的竞争太激烈了,大家都拼尽全力。 The competition in this game is so fierce that everyone is putting in their best effort.