

1. 无所趋避,家为至亲之所在。

英文翻译:East or west, home is where the heart is.


2. 在花好月圆的中秋夜晚,愿你幸福美满,合家欢乐。

英文表达:On this Mid-Autumn night with blooming flowers and a full moon, may you be blessed with happiness and joy.

3. 圆月高悬,愿它伴随你我,传递我的祈愿与祝福。

英文翻译:The brightest moon will accompany us, conveying my prayers and wishes to you.

4. 月圆之夜,梦想连连,心情甜美,思念之情便借助明月,飞越千山万水向你传达。

英文翻译:With the moonlit nights, dreams unfurl, and the sweet mood persists. My longing will be transmitted across thousands of miles to you by the moon.

5. 轻风送去我的祝福,明月带来我的问候。

英文翻译:The cool breeze carries my blessings, and the bright moon brings my greetings.
