



1. 挑选出/辨认出

Pick out 意为“挑选出、辨认出”,例句:He picked out the broken items from the pile.

2. 拾起/拿起

Pick up 表示“拾起、拿起”,也指开车接人。如:He picked up a book from the floor and started reading. / He drove to the airport to pick up his friend.

3. 发生/举办

Take place 意为“发生、举行”,常用于指计划件的发生。如:Significant changes have taken place in the city in recent years.

4. 名胜古迹

Place of interest 指的是“名胜古迹”。例如:During my trip to China, I visited several places of interest.

5. 目的

In order to 表示“为了做某事”,常用于引出目的。如:She arrived early in order to ensure a good seat.

6. 订购

Order something for somebody 意为“为某人订购某物”。如:She ordered a new sofa for her living room.

7. 位置所在

Lie in 用于表示“位于某个范围内”。如:The Pacific Ocean lies in the western part of the world.

8-10. 地理位置的详细描述

分别表示接壤、并列及位于等关系,如:Cambodia lies next to Vietnam; Europe lies west of Asia等。

11. 保护某物免受伤害

Protect somebody/something from/against something 表示“保护某人某物免受伤害”。如:Make sure you wear sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays.

13-15. 准备状态

包括准备好做某事、为某事做好准备及出发去某地等,如:I am prepared for the exam; They are getting ready for the party等。

16. 大量的

A good/great many 用于修饰可数名词复数,表示“许多”。例如:There are a good many apples in the basket.

17. 属于自己的

(Of) one's own 表示“属于自己的”。如:He bought himself a new car as a gift.

18. 独自

(All) on one's own 表示“独自”。例如:I went to the party all on my own this time.