


重要的 (important)

vital - 【例句】Vital decisions often require careful consideration. 【翻译】重要的决定通常需要仔细考虑。

不可或缺的 (indispensable) - 【例句】A good teacher is an indispensable factor in students' learning. 【翻译】一个好老师是学生学习中不可或缺的因素。

优秀的 (good)

杰出的 (outstanding) - 【例句】She is an outstanding student with excellent grades. 【翻译】她是一名成绩优异的杰出学生。

卓越的 (extraordinary) - 【例句】His ability to solve complex problems is truly extraordinary. 【翻译】他解决复杂问题的能力真是非凡。

有趣的 (interesting)

引人入胜的 (fascinating) - 【例句】The museum's exhibits are fascinating and offer a lot of historical insight. 【翻译】博物馆的展品引人入胜,提供了许多历史洞见。

令人着迷的 (engrossing) - 【例句】The novel's storyline is so engrossing that it's hard to put it down. 【翻译】这本小说的情节很吸引人,让人难以放下。

充足的 (abundant)

充裕的 (ample) - 【例句】There is ample evidence to support the theory. 【翻译】有充足的证据支持这一理论。

丰富的 (rich) - 【例句】The area is rich in natural resources and has great potential for development. 【翻译】该地区自然资源丰富,具有巨大的发展潜力。

勇敢的 (brave)

无畏的 (fearless) - 【例句】The soldiers were fearless in their efforts to protect the city. 【翻译】士兵们在保护这座城市的行动中。

刚强的 (valiant) - 【例句】He showed a valiant effort in overcoming the challenge. 【翻译】他克服挑战时表现出了坚强的努力。

合理的 (reasonable)

恰当的 (appropriate) - 【例句】It was an appropriate time to bring up the subject for discussion. 【翻译】提出这个话题进行讨论是恰当的时间。

理智的 (rational) - 【例句】He made a rational decision based on the available information. 【翻译】他根据现有信息做出了理性的决定。

著名的 (famous)

知名的 (well-known) - 【例句】He is a well-known figure in the industry for his exceptional achievements. 【翻译】他在该行业因其卓越成就而广为人知。

有声望的 (reputed) - 【例句】The company is reputed for its high-quality products and excellent customer service. 【翻译】这家公司以其高质量的产品和出色的客户服务而享有盛誉。

有益的 (helpful)

促进的 (promoting) - 【例句】The program aims to promote sustainable development by providing educational opportunities. 【翻译】该计划旨在通过提供教育机会来促进可持续发展。

许多 (many)

大量的 (numerous) - 【例句】There are numerous ways to solve this problem, but we need to choose one.【翻译】有许多方法可以解决这个问题,但我们需要选择一个。

成群的 (congregated)-【例句】The city center is congregated with people and shops.【翻译】市中心了人群和商店。



in poverty ['pɔvɨtɪ]





well-off ['wel ɒf]



vast [vɑːst]



massive ['mæssɪv]



enormous [ɪ'nɔːməs]


brand-new [brænd nʉ]



fresh [freʃ]



novel ['nɔv(ə)l]