


1. 唱歌 - sing (v),歌唱家 - singer (n.)

2. 游泳 - swim (v.),游泳者 - swimmer (n.),现在分词形式为 swimming

3. 跳舞 - dance (v.),跳舞者 - dancer (n.),现在分词形式为 dancing

4. 绘画,图画 - draw (v./n.)

5. 故事,小说 - story (n.),复数形式为 stories

6. 写作,写字 - write (v.),作家 - writer (n.)

7. 教课 - teach (v.),教师 - teacher (n.),第三人称单数形式为 teaches


1. 弹奏吉他 - play the guitar

2. 参加美术社团 - join the art club

3. 游泳社团的名称 - swimming club

4. 询问社团类型 - what club

5. 表示想做某事 - want to do something

6. 询问运动类型 - what sports

7. 表示擅长做某事 - be good at doing something

8. 讲述故事 - tell stories

9. 讲故事社团的名称 - the story-telling club

10. 听起来很棒 - sound good


11. 弹奏钢琴/小提琴 - play the piano/violin

12. 敲鼓 - play the drums

13. 参加音乐社团 - in the school music club

14. 与人交谈和玩游戏 - talk and play games with people

15. 音乐老师的信息 - music teacher wanted

16. 在某方面帮助某人 - help (sb.) with (sth.)

17. 英语学生 - English-speaking students

18. 中心的位置 - at the Students’Sports Center

1. 你很擅长讲故事。— Yes, I am good at telling stories.

2. 你会游泳吗?— Yes, I can swim./ No, I can't swim.

3. 你会做什么?— I can dance and draw. / I'm not good at anything.

4. 你们想加入什么?— We want to join the art club because we enjoy creating art.

5. 那么我们需要你帮助说英语的学生开展体育活动。— Alright, I'm happy to assist in organizing sports activities for English-speaking students.


1. 他喜欢打篮球,所以他想加入篮球。 — He likes playing basketball, so he wants to join the b-ball c-b-r-.

2. 门上有一个广告:学生招募,为学校演出准备! — There's a poster on the door: S-s for S-S-U Show! Ready!...Go! Dancing...Magic...No— just student sign-up for performances at the S-t-a-g-e-. S (g)-e e-v-e-n-t!

3. 陈晓是一位演员,他还会画画。 — Chen Xiao is an actor and he can also p-i-c-t-u-r-e-.

4. 这个男孩可以用左手写字。 — The boy can w-r-i-t-e with his left hand.