162. 关于听——深入探究hear与listen
例如,我确信自己从未听到过任何反对它的话语:“I am sure I never heard a word against it.”
作为你的朋友,我有责任向你传达我所听闻的信息:“As a friend of yours, I want to tell you what I hear.”
我听到她离开了房子:“I heard her leave the house.”以及我听说你需要一个秘书:“I hear you want a secretary.”
比如,我们努力去听了,但却一无所获:“We listened but heard nothing.”
在教导或指导的场合中,我们常常说:“Listen to me and read after me.”即“注意听,跟我读”
他专心致志地听我们谈话:“He listened to us talk (talking).”或者“他正在听我们的谈话。”