

一 只需倾尽全力,时光自会为你铺就前程。静夜思,晚安。With full dedication, time will pave your path ahead. Thinking in a quiet night, good night.

二 幸福或许会迟到,但绝不会缺席你的生命。入夜了,愿你安眠,晚安。Happiness may arrive late, but it will never be absent from your life. As the night falls, wish you a good rest, good night.

三 你的笑靥,如繁星点点,点亮了生活的夜空。愿你梦中也有这抹光亮,晚安。Your smile, like shining stars, light up the night sky of life. May you have this glow in your dreams, good night.

四 不留恋过去的风云,不畏惧未来的挑战,今夜,让我们共赴梦乡,晚安。Without regrets for the past and without fear of the future, tonight, let's go to dreamland together, good night.

五 作为的旅人,请始终保持那份善良与纯真。夜深了,愿你安睡,晚安。As a traveler in the world, please always maintain your kindness and innocence. It's late at night, wish you a ful sleep, good night.

六 凡事顺其自然,无需刻意强求。静心享受生活的每一刻,晚安。Let things be as they are, there's no need to force them. Enjoy every moment of life with a calm heart, good night.

七 选择适合自己的生活方式,即是选择了最好的生活。入眠前,愿你心中充满满足与安宁,晚安。Choosing a lifestyle that suits you is choosing the best life. Before falling asleep, may your heart be filled with satisfaction and , good night.

八 生命中的每一段旅程,都由你自己来书写。愿你拥有一个美好的夜晚,晚安。Every journey in life is written by you. Wish you a good night, good night.

九 宁愿痛快地流泪,也不要地欢笑。今夜,让我们释放真实的情感,晚安。It's better to cry freely than to laugh reluctantly. Tonight, let's release our true emotions, good night.