1. 虽非完美,但我坦诚无虚。
I may not be flawless, but at least I am genuine.
2. 如果你不能成就伟大之事,那就以卓越的方式去完成琐碎之事。
If you cannot achieve great things, then do small things with a sense of excellence.
3. 永远不要对嫉妒你的人心怀怨恨。他们的嫉妒源于你比他们强。
Harbor no ill will towards those who envy you. Their jealousy stems from your superiority.
4. 欺诈善良的人犹如舍弃明珠,捡起顽石。
Deceiving a good person is like discarding a valuable jewel in favor of a worthless stone.
5. 与说谎者争辩无益。你无法战胜他们,因为他们深信自己的谎言。
It's unwise to argue with liars. You cannot prevail, as they believe their own lies firmly.
6. 爱情不会因距离而消逝,却会因猜疑而终结。
Love does not fade due to distance, but perishes because of doubt.
7. 切勿他人情感,否则你或许赢得游戏,但终将失去那个人。
Do not toy with the emotions of others, for you may win the game but ultimately lose the person.
8. 莫要过度依赖任何人。人遇新友,常会改变。
Do not rely on anyone excessively, as people often change when they meet new friends.
9. 终有一日,你会成为某人的回忆。请尽全力做一个值得称道的人。
Someday, you will become a memory to some people. So strive to be a person worthy of mention.
10. 生活中总有人待你不公。感谢他们吧,是他们让你更显坚毅。
There will always be people who treat you unfairly in life. Thank them for making you stronger.
11. 勿因短暂的情感而作出长久的决定。
Do not make permanent decisions based on temporary emotions.
12. 他人难以察觉你为他们所做的付出,只注意你的疏忽与错误。
Most people do not notice the efforts you make for them, only focusing on your negligence and mistakes.
13. 无人在意你的泪珠滑落,无人在意你的伤悲,无人在意你的痛苦,但他们都会注意你的过失。
No one notices when your tears fall, or your sorrow, or your pain. But they will notice your mistakes.
14. 永远不要为一个不珍视你泪光的人哭泣。